Pitting against his own son

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"Nice to meet, Mr. Cyrus Rex Vritra." Henry shook his hands as he also applied pressure. For unknown reasons, Henry can detect the hostility from this person. They haven't met before, so, having a grudge against each other was simply impossible.

Since it was not possible, backing down was not his habit, he is also the prince of the Benjamin's, he has his pride! How could he be looked down on by a mere stranger! Henry had a strange premonition that this man with golden orbs was not a good man.

Now, it's not just a shake hand but a silent fight of strengths. Both men showed no signs of backing down. Even the people in the conference hall were shocked to see the cold war between them. 

Henry's PA, Lark, noticed the situation was not good, he also glanced at Cyrus's  PA Ben, he also gave him a helpless look. They both sighed together and shrugged their shoulders before stepping into the battle arena!

"Prince Benjamin! It's time to start the meeting!" Lark said. 

"My King, shall I inform our team to get ready with their presentation!" Ben said. 

Ben wanted to call him CEO Vritra but when he heard Lark calling Henry as Benjamin, he felt his brother shouldn't be lowered, so he deliberately called him King! His brother was the king of the Basilisk family for the past five hundred years! Who does this brat think, who was not even a hundred years old going against his brother! No way! This brat needs to be taught a lesson! 

And today morning, when he got the pictures of this brat kissing and hugging his sister-in-law, certain someone flipped the table in front of him! Somehow he calmed down after a few minutes but now after this certain old grumpy man saw this brat in front of his eyes, he couldn't even control himself! And the worse thing was that his sister-in-law bought food for this brat! How could that old vinegar jar accept it! So, he was getting back like this! 

After Lark and Ben's reminder, these both men retreated from their cold war. They both settled down. Soon the meeting started. After three hours the meeting ended. 

Henry has to accept the defeat now. Even though the CEO of the Vritra group was annoying, he has to agree in terms of efficiency, quality, and delivery, they were very good. He liked the deal, they agreed to sign the deal in fifteen days. 

They both bid their goodbyes after deciding the agreement. "It's a pleasure to make a deal with CEO Vritra!" Henry said, keeping his petty behavior aside. 

Cyrus felt a bit regret for acting like that before but who asked this smelly boy to mess with his wife. Forget it… He would just invite him to lunch. 

"CEO. Benjamin, mind joining lunch with me?" he asked. 

"I am sorry, but I have to take a raincheck! I promised my sister that I would accompany her to lunch today. Next time!" Henry said. 

"Then it's fixed for next time!" Cyrus said. 

"Yes!" with that they both left. 

Henry couldn't understand this man. The moment they met he thought he would strangle him to his death now he was inviting him to the meal as if he wanted to offer apologies. 

Well….. Forget it! He will just take it as that this man was on his period. 

If Cyrus heard Henry's thoughts he would have thrown this man onto the ground from the highest floor of this building. 

Henry took his phone out and dialed Esther's number. 

"Hey, Lil one! Are you done with work?" Henry asked. 

"Hey bro! Yeah! I am done! I just reached the company! I would be in the lobby in another three minutes! Come down!" Esther said. 

"Oh! Wait there! I will come here!" Henry said and hung the call. 


Cyrus who was sulking over Henry reached the ground floor. He saw a familiar figure sitting in the lobby drinking water given by the receptionist! His angry eyes softened at her sight. Unknowingly his lips curved upwards, gentleness was flowing from his face. 

People around him sensed their boss's changes. Instead of feeling relieved, they felt he was looking scary. They followed his line of gaze and saw the reason for his gentleness was a girl. They made a note that this woman should not be messed since she caught their boss's eyes! Maybe one day she would become Mrs. Vritra. 

When he was immersed in watching her, Henry came and took her away. Cyrus felt that if he needs to get her, he needs to get rid of this stinky brother. 

He called to his villa's butler, "Send Reggie to me!" he said and hung the call. 

The Butler need not be told twice, he immediately prepared things to send his young master. 

But who was Reggie? 

Even though he was not the biological son of Esther, since he was brought up by her, he acquired many traits from her. 

He called his father, "Father! Reggie was busy! He wouldn't come to you!" the little one said. 

If not for the fact he was his son! He would have sent him to hell! 

"You don't have time? Do you not want to meet your mother!" Cyrus said. When Reggie heard these words he furrowed his little brows. His brows twisted together. When he heard his father's words he was alarmed. He needs to act fast. He couldn't afford to miss the chance to meet his mother! Before the little one could answer the big old man bet him. 

"Fine! I thought you would like to have lunch with your mother! Since it's like this! I would have it with her alone! Sit at home and go busy with your work!" Cyrus said in a flaunting tone. 

Cyrus knew his son would be panicking now. He needs to give him a few seconds. So the little guy would not even give him a chance to speak and would do the thing that Cyrus wished! Cyrus laughed smugly. Poor Little Reggie doesn't know that he fell into his father's trap!


Author's note: 

Yo guys! 

Don't you think, Cyrus is cunning? 

Let me know your thoughts In the comments! 

Don't forget to vote! 

Stay safe!

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