Stop spreading Hate and harassing me

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Hi guys...

I don't know whom I offended or someone. I have been inactive with my writings as I am doing internship as my career just started.

Today... I am getting all pings and notifications saying that few are commenting that I plagiarized this book. This is my original work. I have a brain to think and nought strength to work. This book is smtg I wrote while enjoying.

U may see similar story line. How many of u haven't read stories with similar story lines? But the way I write will be definitely different from others. It doesn't mean I plagiarized.

Do u all know this book reached 400 chapters in other platform?

I plan to write more of it. In fact... after 60 chapters this book will take turn into fantasy romance.

How could u all accuse me of plagiarizing? And harass me?

Okay... if u all say I plagiarized... come at me legally. I have proofs I didn't plagiarized this work. I have already contracted this work to a different platform which doesn't encourage plagiarism even by one percent.

I will fight legally with all these with those who r accusing me of plagiarism. If u have guts throw proof at my face and share it in comments instead of saying I am plagiarizing and stuff.

This is smtg I worked hard by sacrificing my sleep and food. I won't let anyone have their way with my work. Come at me I will ignore u even if u attack me personallg i dont give a dime. But don't target my hardwork. My hardwork is my bottom line.

If u seriously think I really plagiarized show me proof. I have enough proofs I didn't plagiarize.

And I can see... all the accounts r recently created. If I get annoyed I will go to the lengths of tracking IP address and suing u legally.

Hopefully u all got it. I am not scared of hate. I only care about my hardwork, sleepless nights  the days I skipped my meals just to give more updates for this book. I may not have given regular updates on wattpad... but I know what I went through to create this work.

I don't need anybodys judgment. I became write to tell a story. If u all like it... I will really appreciate it. If u point my mistakes... I will genuinely accept them. I will try my best to change it. But... coming out of nowhere... claiming some Tom, dick and Harry are original authors and I am the plagiarized.... bruh.... u gotta be kidding me.

If there is an original author... y tf she/he is silent all these yrs? I published this book 2 yrs ago. And I have a contract that pays me all the time. She should have complained to the higher ups and took some action on me. But he or she didn't do a single thing. Why? Bcuz I am the original author.

I would literally love to see which author will use sanskrit in the middle of a English book. I have written few continuation books of this with a totally different story.

Whoever is claiming that I am a fraud, plagairisizer, and not the original author... slap me with proofs.

If u guys want to promote smtg. Text me personally. Once in a day I come and check notifications. I will promote ur works. But this way of promoting work by trying to drag me down. Do u think this is fair?

If someone really have problem with me or my work. First let me know what it is. If I can't solve it. Then go on rampage. Every minute I am getting a new comment saying I plagiarized. How long can I keep on reporting these kinds of comments. And u all claim u r angry as I plagiarized. And sad... that this book which is plagiarized is getting more attention than the original ones. Babes.... I am more sadder than u all for receiving all these things. Do u all know how hard I worked for this. My parents literally asked me to stop writing and there tlr things that happened for me during those times. Comments from this book js my emotional support. I won't take it lying down if someone touches this book. At a point of time this is my emotional support. I won't let someone point their fingers at this.

I really appreciate my loyal readers. Hope u all won't take it offensive. Pls think from my perspective.

Thankyou all for reading this so far.

U all don't know how thankful and felt appreciated when I all praised my work and hated Arthur. I cried seeing all ur response. As an author what can I ask more than this?

Thankyou guys. ❤❤❤

As for those haters... darlings.... I hate u as much as u do. And in fact... I don't even know who u r. And I will prolly forget u all. Not even worth remembering. 😏

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