Can heart speak?

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Ch- 57 

Esther couldn't be heartbroken anymore. If he was with her, someone wouldn't need to ask her permission to visit him. The more she thought, the angrier she got towards Arthur. She needs to deal with him properly. She will do it after she sees Reggie. 

"Sure," Esther replied to him. 

With that, she was about to enter the ward. 

"Miss. Benjamin…." Cyrus called her out. 

"Hmm?" she responded. 

"It asks you to stay with him, if possible… try to spend some time with him. After all, this might be his last time meeting you," Cyrus said. 

He was preparing her mind that this could be your last time to spend time with Reggie. So, he was reminding her she has to spend some time with him. 

Esther was stunned when she heard his words. This may indeed be the last time she would visit Reggie. She clenched her hands into fists and nodded her head to him. 

Esther entered the ward. She saw Reggie seeing the machines beside him curiously. When he saw the irregular graph on the cardiogram, he frowned. And the graph was not the same, it's changing! 

Esther went near him and sat beside him. 

"Reggie, that was called a cardiogram. It shows the graph of your heartbeat. Place one hand on your chest you can feel your heartbeat," Esther said as she smiled. 

The little curious Reggie placed his hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat! A small smile formed on his lips when he felt his heartbeat. 

"Lean on my chest. You can hear my heartbeat!" Esther said as she hugged the little one. Reggie pressed his head against her chest. The little one could hear lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub sounds from her chest. 

"Momma! Will it speak?" Reggie asked innocently with his widened eyes. 

Esther laughed and said, "Nope! But a person could understand what heart wants to speak," 

"How?" Reggie asked. 

"Love. Love makes people understand the things which cannot be said," Esther said. 

The little didn't understand Esther's words; he tilted his head and saw went into deep thoughts! 

"Then shall I say what your heart says?" Reggie said. 

"What was it saying?" Esther asked curiously. 

"It's saying that you want to stay with Reggie!" Reggie said. 

Esther paused for a second and took a deep look at the guy. This little guy has dark brown eyes, even though both his father and mother don't possess brown eyes. Well, it's a topic for another day. 

His brown eyes looked so pure. Kids are known for their kindness and naivety. These things could be seen in Reggie's eyes. 

Esther doesn't want to leave this kid just like this. She wanted to take him with her, but there was Cyrus in her way. 

"Momma would accompany you till you fall asleep!" Esther said. 

"Then would you leave after I sleep?" He asked. 

"Your Dad would accompany you!" Esther replied. 

"So! You would leave me! You don't want Reggie anymore! Was dad right? You were no longer Reggie's momma?" Reggie asked in his childish tone in which hurt and disappointment were completely clear!

Esther felt like thousand needles stuck in her heart, slicing it into million pieces. She suppressed her tears and stayed silent. 

"I want to be your mom. But, sadly, we can't be. Fate has its plans!" Esther said. 

"Mom, who said we can't be together? You can be Reggie's momma if you marry dad!" Reggie said. 

"Mom, couldn't marry anyone!" Esther said. 

"Reggie, how was your dad treating you? Was he good to you?" Esther asked before Reggie could open his mouth for her previous statement. 

"He was so good! Dad gives everything Reggie asks! He doesn't even scold Reggie! Dad has lots of brothers! So Reggie has lots of uncles to play with! And uncles give Reggie lots of snacks sneakily to me! But once dad got to know that uncles were giving me snacks, so he punished them!" Reggie started talking about his life with dad. Esther diverted Reggie wantedly. She doesn't want to discuss marriage in her life again yet!

"Why does dad doesn't want you to eat snacks?" Esther asked with a frown. Aren't they just junk food, why can't he let the kid have? She was displeased immediately. 

"Reggie was sick due to hurt he got three months back! Doctor asked Reggie to not eat Junk food for the next few months! So, dad doesn't allow Reggie to eat! He always feeds me green vegetables and lamb meat only, so that too I can eat Lamb once a week. Reggie couldn't eat his favorite food! Dad always says I should eat healthy food, but not junk! Sobs… Reggie can't eat lots of food!" Reggie complained to his mom about his grievances. 

Esther felt her impression was improved. Also, she laughed in her heart when she saw this little guy's displeasure on his face. Also, she understood that Cyrus truly cared about this kid. Not only that, his brothers also care about this kid. It relieved her listening to it. 

"Okay, Momma will get some delicious food tomorrow for you. What do you want to eat?" Esther asked. 

"I want a chicken lollipop, chicken drumstick, lamb skewers, and beef dumpling," Reggie said on his list. 

"Reggie, you were sick, no? So, momma can only get one dish. So, say one!" Esther said. 

The little guy thought hard and said finally, "Chicken Drumstick!" 

"Okay! Momma will get that for you! So, tell momma what new things you did in your new place?" Esther asked. 

The little guy and mother talked for a long time. Esther listened to the little fellow for a long time and would ask some questions from time to time. Reggie fell asleep while talking. He was still a kid, after all. He couldn't stay awake for a long time. Esther stroked his hair dotingly before tucking him under the bed. After tucking him under the bed, she left the ward silently. 


Author's Notes: 

Happy Bhogi Guys.

Here is the early chapter.

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