Brother she is awake.

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Henry was thinking whether he should let this man stay or leave. But after thinking for a while, he let him be for the sake of Esther.

"Next time, even if she was awake for a second, you need to report to me! Got it?" Henry said.

"I will, Prince!" Nicholas Replied.

Since he heard details from the doctor, he didn't care about the afternoon meetings or schedules. He called his assistant and said, "Cancel all my meetings and schedules for the rest of the day!" with that he hung the call.
He didn't even give a chance to his assistant to speak. After Esther went to a vegetative state. The gentle Henry was gone. Now it was only fierce. If it was old Henry, he wouldn't even pick on Nicholas! But he did, it's all because he saw the true hardship in his sister's place.

Nicholas did nothing other than stay beside his sister for the rest of the day. He watched her sleep peacefully. Every day he used to be worried when he sat there. But today is different. There was a small smile resting on his lips. His sister was going to wake up soon. He needs to share this with someone. But he controlled his urge. If he shared this news with someone, they would come to the hospital and start camping along with him. He missed his sister for a month. He can't share her with someone else.


She was his sister!

He has all the rights to enjoy her attention!


Nicholas sat there like a statue. He didn't even move a bit. He was even afraid of blinking because he was worried that if he blinks, he might miss out on his sister's body movements.
Finally, at night, his hard work paid. Esther woke up!


On the other side….

Esther who was trapped in between the white walls could see a brown door in the room. But the door was locked. She tried to break it, bang it, and tried all means but couldn't open it. Finally, she found a key on her bed! She took the key and opened the door and got out.
Esther felt like her entire body was heavy. She couldn't open her eyes. But she persisted and opened her eyes. The sudden exposure to the sun's rays made her unable to open her eyes. Her eyes felt a stinging pain. But she persisted and opened them again. After blinking and fluttering her lashes for a minute, she opened her eyes completely.

She tried to sit, but she couldn't move her body. Her throat felt dry. She turned her head and saw water. She reached out her hand to grab it. But when she tried to move it she dropped the jug due to lack of strength, making a loud noise in the room while alarming the person who was guarding her.

Esther heard some hurried footsteps. But she couldn't concentrate on them. She tried to move her head and see if there are any sources of water for her to drink. But she found nothing.

Suddenly she heard a shriek! "Princess! You were awake! I will call the doctor now!" Nicholas shouted when he saw her.

"Water~~" Her voice was hoarse and almost it was a whisper.

Normally, a person couldn't hear it. But Nicholas was a special person. Nicholas heard it. He ran away and returned with a jug of water in a swift. Nicholas helped Esther drink water and helped her to sit. After that, he went out and took his phone to dial a number.

"Brother! She is awake!" he shouted.


Author's Note:
Did you see Nicholas called someone and informing him but not Henry. If Henry knew this he will come and kill Nicholas on the spot! What do you think!?

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