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Noor Giza lift her head up and with a terrific look she said, “I can not be separated from you.”

And she pull out the hair stick in a rush and stabbed the king on his hand.

The king get knocked off the ground and yelled, “ Ah! You are Insane! Men, Take this harlot away!”

Noor Giza smirked, “No one is coming.”

The vision of king started blurring out, his head started aching and then he asked, “That tea…What did you put in that tea?”

Noor Giza come closer to the king, she had tears in her eyes, “We are the only people here, your majesty… Are you happy now? We will be together forever.. FOREVER”

Then she stabbed that hair stick on King’s heart and her own neck and both of them were died in that cold place.

But the King in his last moment thinks, “Sefa.. If our time is always like the moment we first met, I will not feel sad like a painted fan does in an autumn wind. Remembering we took the pledge of love to be together, to fly together no matter what the suffering is, we fight together.”

The mousy worriedly come over my shoulder and asked, “Host! Why are you crying?”

I wipe away my tears and said, “Am I crying? I’m fine, I guess its just… Original Host emotion.”

The soldiers were running towards the cold place hurriedly, They all were screaming, “Something happened! Quick!”

Mousy got shocked and he screamed, “Did Noor Giza do it?”

I ignored and ordered him, “Prepare Raazi to ascend the throne. The Emperor is dead!”


The whole kingdom was shouting, “Long live the Emperor.”
A servant enter in my chamber and said, “Empress dowager, All the Consorts are here and are waiting to pay their respects.”

I replied, “Understood. Tell them to come in.”

All the consorts come inside the chamber and kneeled down on the floor and said, “Our Respects. Empress Dowager, We wish you great happiness.”

I stood up from my place and ordered, “ RISE!”


In the fourth month of the 13th year of YILDIZ DYNASTY, The Ayadh Yildiz was assassinated by an out-of-favor Consort.

• In the fifth month of the 13th year of YILDIZ DYNASTY, the fourth prince, Raazi Yildiz ascend the throne and took the title as the Kind Emperor, With his adopted mother, Empress Dowager Sefa Yilmaz.

• After the Raazi ascend the throne at such a young age, The court and nation were thrown into a turmoil and Empress Sefa ruled in the background for a whole 10 years, Helping the young emperor to steady the nation and waiting for him to come of a age before handling all state authorities over to him.

• In the seventh month of 23rd year of the YILDIZ DYNASTY, Empress Dowager Sefa suddenly fell ill and the Raazi dropped everything to personally care for her, But was helpless to so in the end.

• It is said when the Empress Dowager passed away, The Raazi was so distraught that he almost followed his mother to death.


After 10 years Me and Mousy both were come back to our future system and we were sitting in our place.

I was noticing the further things of the story and then I smirked and proudly said to mousy, “Well.. I really didn’t raise Raazi in Vain.”

Mousy got angry and then he mocked, “Jeez… We could have just left as soon as possible we’d completed the mission. Why did we have to stay in that world for another 10 years?

I smile awkwardly and ordered him, “Sometimes you must see things through. Hurry up and check the account!”

Mousy turned towards the screen and there’s a new message which states [World: YILDIZ DYNASTY] Completed; Rank- AAA.

Another message pop up in the screen which makes Mousy jumped in happiness, he notified me, “Whoa! The next world we need to complete has come up!!”

I also looked at the screen and asked him, “Well, How interesting. But, How come the supporting character in this world is called Sefa Yilmaz again…?”

Mousy replied, “I guess it’s to avoid any problems. The main system has unified them all as the same name. Are we going to rest first, Or get on it straight way..?”

I clicked on the YES button present on the confirmation of mission and said, “We will go now, Getting Revenge on Scumbag is even more interesting.”


Be You,
The world will Adjust.
Wink! Wink!

NEVERMORE Vol1. The Place Is DestroyedWhere stories live. Discover now