Peter meets yandere Y/n, 18+ (Requested like all the others ♥︎)

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: Authors POV:

"Mmmgh..." Y/n's s/c eyelids would slowly open,  An abrupt irritation would come from her wrists. They'd hiss, Their eyelids fully open. Y/n would notice something, They weren't in their room, Their not on their bed. "Wait-" Where were they?! Y/n would attempt to get out of the ropes, Failing she'd wince in discomfort from the ropes. "I wish Peter was here.." Y/n would mumble, Giving up on the arms, They'd start to attempt for their ankles. Failing, They'd groan, leaning their head back.

Opening their s/c eyelids, They'd shriek. Y/n would see Peter behind them, A feeling of hope would sparkle in their eyes. "P-Peter! Oh, thank goodness you are-" The hope would vanish, "It's adorable how you think I'm going to save you, Mmm~" Peter would stroll over in front of Y/n, "- I love it when you say my name, Darling."  Peter would purr, Settling on Y/n's lap. Y/n would smile, The panic vanishing, "Nice prank, These ropes are really hurting my wrists, And I need to shower soon." Peter would smile, Putting his chin on their shoulder, Sliding his arms around them. "This isn't a prank, Darling~" He'd murmur, Shifting his lips onto Y/n's jawline, Giving soft pecks down.

"Haha...Very funny, Petey, Let me go." Y/n would giggle nervously, Silently hoping this is just prank. "Darling, I've already told you this isn't a prank, But..I have to prove it. I-I was playing nice at first, You were being so hard to get, I, Perhaps you just need a little push." Peter would smile wider, A crimson hue crossing his cheeks, And...Were his pupils turning into hearts? He would take his chin off their shoulder, Looking at Y/n's irises. Promptly leaning into a kiss, Y/n would gasp, Alarmed, But giving Peter the chance to slide his tongue inside. "Mmmgh.." Peter would groan, Y/n though, Was...Actually, enjoying this? They've had a feeling for Peter, A romantic feeling for Peter for, Actually ever soon they've laid their e/c irises on Peter. They know this was wrong, They know it's wrong to kidnap people, But they know that Peter loves them back, and, They were kinda into this.

'Fuck it, Wouldn't hurt to love him back, Right?' Y/n would pounder, Kissing back, Making Peter smirk, Deepening the kiss.

The heated kiss would end with a pop, "God, I love you so much..Do you love me back, Darling?" Peter would slide his hands on their shoulders, Awaiting for an answer. Y/n would nod, "Y-Yes!" Y/n would agree, Nodding their head frantically. Peter would soften his grip, His bloom on his face worsening as his smile would only go wider. Peter would chuckle, Soon the chuckling was frantic laughs echoing the room, Throwing his head back. Chills going down Y/n's spine, They'd gaze at him, A minor smile stretching onto their face. Peter would look back at Y/n once finishing, His smile never vanishing as he'd look closer with widened eyelids. "Did you mean it, Darling?, Do you love me?" He'd check, His hands never left their shoulders. "Y-Yes, I do" "Then say it, Dont just say you do, Say . It." Peters's grip would tighten, "I love you, I love you, Peter!" Y/n would exclaim, While Peters irises would practicality glow, With the hearts replacing his pupils already, It looked..Hazardous, Lustful even.

"Oh, Oh, Y/n! I-I, You don't know how much this means to me, Don't you? Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I couldn't get you out of my head, I wanted-, No, Needed you to love me! I needed you, I- I can't live without-" Y/n would smirk, This was was they've wanted, For Peter to show his true feelings. Perhaps this is why he kept blushing only with me, and not around other people. 'Gah, I'm so stupid, Not seeing the signs earlier.' Y/n would scold herself, Not paying attention.

Peter would get off their lap, Strolling behind them, Knocking them from their mindset. "What are you doing?" Y/n would question as Peter would giggle, "Oh, My darling weren't you listening? Since you love me...I must have my mark on you, Maybe do even more~!" Y/n could practically hear the excitement from Peter, But this made a ruby hue cross their cheeks. "M-Mark me?" Y/n would squeak, A nervous smile spreading across their face. "Yes! I was planning on doing this when you were tired up, Or at least handcuffed~, But I was just thinking nonsense, Of course you'd love me, It's fate, Of course!" Peter would explain, You can just hear the happiness in his voice.

Once he finished untying the ropes for Y/n's wrists Peter would zip right back in front, He seemed eager. Y/n would look at their wrists, They had rope burn, And there was just a bit of blood. They'd look down at Peter untying the ropes on their ankles, Once finished he'd instantly snap his neck towards Y/n's e/c orbs. Peter would pull them off from the wooden chair, Shortly going up the stairs. "Oh my darling, We're going to have so much fun together~" He'd say happily, Reaching the door for the stairs, Y/n would giggle. "Slow down, Petey. You're going to hurt yourself." Y/n would warn, Making Peter kiss their lips, "You're too adorable" Peter would growl. Laying them on his couch, Putting his knees on the couch, Towering over Y/n as he would reach for his jeans, Rustling the belt, Throwing it off as Peter would slide his jeans and undergarments to his lower thighs as his cock would spring up, Already hard.

Peter would reach for Y/n's pajama shirt, Taking it off them with a swoop as they had raised their arms. As he suspected, No bra. It would get harder as he would rip the shorts and panties off from Y/n, Not caring if they've ripped.

Peter would hastily put it inside them, Instant pleasure coming from inside of him, Sliding it all the way as Y/n would squeak, Not used to it, She'd wince, Tears prickled. "Mmmgh, Darling...Are you ready? Are you ready for me?" Peter would impatiently question, Gripping at their arms. Y/n would nod, They knew they weren't, But they didn't want to wait. Peter would pump inside of them, Groans escaping his lips. "Oh God, Oh darling~!" He'd cry. The pleasure would finally take over the pain for Y/n as they'd release sweet moans to Peter, It was like music to his ears. "Y-Yes! Mmgh, Si-Sing for me, Darling! Scre-Scream my name~!" He'd cry again, Throwing his head back.


About seven minutes later, Peter had came, Of course warning Y/n first and got out of them. They'd start a family, But this was just practice for Peter. Y/n ended up with bite wounds from Peter, To her shoulder, To her ass, Thigh, and one on her neck and hip. Saying that he "Mmmgh, I love your curves and hips so much! Oh darling, It just screams for me~!", And that he loves, "I love your fragile body so much! So small, Your s/c is so sweet~!" Oh, and, "Your all mine, Mine, Mine, Mine~! Your soul, Your heart, Your body mine, Your mind is mine, Your all mine~! God, I love you so much~!"

With the aftermath he would get off the couch, Pulling his undergarments and jeans back up and zipping it. It didn't matter for the belt, Peter was going to throw the jeans off anyway. Plucking Y/n's naked body from the couch and carrying them to his bedroom, He'd look at Y/n, Placing a hand and sliding it down to their thighs. Their smile had never left from once they were at the basement, All it had done these minutes had gotten wider and more excited.

Sliding his jeans off he'd go to the other side of bed, Clasping onto his upper clothes and sliding them off too. Peter already made up his mind, He's going to move in with Y/n. Peter would snuggle closer towards Y/n, Flipping them over so they'd face him. The soft groan coming past their lips, He'd chuckle, Leaning in and kissing their rosy lips. "I love you~" He'd murmur, Cuddling them, Finally closing his eyelids into slumber with his darling.

Don't worry, Peter had took care of the bite marks tomorrow with some rubbing alcohol, And both didn't need blankets tonight, They had all the warmth from each other, and because of what they've done together. Happily cuddling and resting together, With soft smiles on them.

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