Kidnapper Y/n X Peter

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: Authors POV:

Y/n would smirk, It took a while to get Peter here, But she's finally done it. Of course, He was unconscious. But Y/n didn't hurt him, They just slipped something in his drink of course! Perfectly fine, and it'll be okay. Besides, He'll be safe and delighted to be here, Peter will get out of the ropes once he loves Y/n, Probably.

Y/n would hear the insignificant groans from Peter, Oh! He was waking up~!
"Mmmgh..." He'd groan, His eyelids beginning to open. Y/n had settled on a wooden chair right in front of him, Giving them the perfect view of Peter.

Peter would tug on his hand, Soon to acknowledge he was tired up. His eyelids would widen as he'd look up in alarm and bitterness, Landing on Y/n's face. "Hi, Petey!" Y/n would greet cheerfully, Grinning wide. "Y-Y/n? Did..." Peter would shift his dark-blue irises down on the ropes, A grin replacing his features, as a glowing crimson flush would appear on his cheeks. "Did you do this?" Peter would ask, Shifting his dark-blue orbs onto Y/n's face.
That wasn't the face nor attitude Y/n would expect, But it was enjoyable to see, He liked this~!

"Yes, Yes I did, Petey." Y/n would cheekily confess, A rosy blush crossing their face, "Well, I wasn't expecting to be kidnaped, But from you, I don't mind...I was going to do it tomorrow anyway~" Peter would admit, Causing Y/n to flush deeper, "I-I, You were?" Her e/c irises looking away, Nervous. "Of course, Why would I lie about that?" Y/n would giggle nervously, "I just, It's kind of awkward for you to be tied up now."
Peter would chuckle, "Then~, Can you untie me?" Peter would smirk as Y/n would frantically nod their head and go behind him, Untying him. Of course, He could easily get out from these ropes, But Peter wanted her to do it. Y/n caressing his hands and wrists in the process, Even though, Peter knows once he's out of the ropes, He'll get to feel way more than Y/n's soft, s/c hands.


"There! Sorry, it took so long..Heh, I'm not that good at untying ropes." "It's okay, Darling, It was very entertaining hearing you s-struggle." Peter would stand, As Y/n would nervously, But excitedly stroll in front of Peter. His dark-blue irises following Y/n each step.

Y/n's face was a rosy crimson, "W-Whats that suppose to mean?" "Oh, Nothing~, You'll find out." Peter would giggle, Shifting forward, and towering over Y/n's small body. Oh, They were small and fragile against Peter, It made him wonder, How on earth did they get him in their basement? How didn't he wake up? Peter is a very light sleeper, So...What did Y/n do? Mm, This made him very curious.

Peter would shift, Going on one knee, Plucking Y/n from the grey, dull concrete floor. Getting back up his foot. "W-What are you do-doing, Peter?" Y/n would squeak. Ignoring their question, Peter's smile would sharpen, Strolling over towards the wooden, Oak door. Opening it. While stepping up the dark, wooden steps his dark-blue irises would still be trained onto theirs. "Darling, How did you manage to even get me in your basement? Aren't I too heavy?" Peter would question, Shifting his left hand on Y/n's bottom and the right on their back. "P-Promise not be mad?" "I promise."

Y/n's e/c orbs would look away sheepishly, "I...Put something in your drink...For you to s-sleep.. And, for getting you down in the basement...I-" Y/n would murmur silently for the rest, Making Peter sigh as he'd reach the top of the staircase, Reaching his right hand onto the doorknob and opening it. "You don't have to tell me if you wouldn't want to, But I'll find out sometime~" Peter would purr, Looking up.

'It's just amazing how I'm just holding them, Holding them-' Peter would tighten his grip, Making Y/n give an eep! noise '-So tightly' Peter would cherish, 'Just in their house, Not like I haven't been in Y/n's house, But...With them knowing! I'm holding them!' Peter would excitedly imagine, His dark-blue irises gazing back on Y/n, 'So close, I could just smell their scent. Their delicious aroma..I wonder if I could just taste them-' Peters pants would suddenly tighten up, Making him halt, As Y/n would nuzzle their face onto the fabric of his shirt.

Peter would smile would thicken, anxiously. He'd begin to move towards their bedroom, Peter had remembered the entire formate of their house, So of course, He'd know where their bedroom was. Oh~ The memories of what he did to them once they were asleep.


Y/n would poke their head up, "W-Where are we going?" Peter would giggle, "To yo-your bedroom, Darling!" His pace would fasten, "Wh-What for?!" Y/n would glow, Their flushed face spreading like wildfire. Y/n's face was already burning, It's not even clear how it got like this. It happened so fast.

"Well, Yo-You'll see~!"
'You'll see, Darling. You'll find out, And once you do you'll be so happy!'


Peter would open the wooden, white door. Promptly halting in front of their queen-sized bed and settling them on top of their f/c blankets, Y/n could now freely see Peter's boner sticking from his pants. "I-" "-I see you like what you see, ..Why don't you help me? Help me with this little problem." Peter would growl, Climbing onto the bed, Crawling on top of them. "Wouldn't you?" He'd purr, As his dark-blue irises would turn into hearts. Peter was practically shaking from excitement.


During this time, Both of them were loud. Thankfully Y/n had their own house, Their only neighbor were across from them, And they weren't home. All from other people, It was only a twenty minute walk towards town. So they could be as loud as they want.

"Ah~! Mmmgh, Hah, Hah~!" Peter would groan, Giving harsh, And quick thrusts, As Y/n would loudly moan Peter's name And other noises. It was music to him, Peter wanted this, He's dreamt of this moment. Oh, He didn't know it would feel this good! Perhaps he's going to be addicted.

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