Peter with a runaway Y/n.

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: Authors POV:

Y/n had barely fled out from Peters house a minute ago, They were fleeing from the house, didn't know where but it was better than there. Y/n thought Peter was a friend, Y/n thought that they could trust him, No, He had to kidnap them. Peter has raped them, Peter has assaulted them in many ways, And he says he loves them. No, No he doesn't, If he did he wouldn't have done that. Perhaps Y/n would have fallen for Peter if he didn't kidnap them, Maybe Y/n had if he had waited a bit longer.

Y/n would be pushing on, They've had no shoes, Y/n had been stepping on unspecified sharp aspects, They didn't care, Once they were sure that they were safe, Only we're they going to try to at least pick it out. It hurt but it hurt way more staying there, And this was their only chance. Peter had said, "My darling, If you ever try to escape, I'll find you, I'll catch you, and once I do it won't be pretty...To be honest with you, You would've hurt my heart, And I can't get to escape, Because I love you so much...Once you've gotten to your senses, Only will I let you go wonder around. But if you do, I'll chop thoughs pretty little legs of yours off, Perhaps only to the knee, Your s/c thighs are so, Mmm~ delicious and soft. Too good for me to chop off, You know I love you, So much.."

The thought made them shudder, But they've suddenly perked up by the distant holler, Like a scream. "Y/n get the FUCK back here right now!" It was Peter! He sounded so furious, frantic, even. Y/n would start darting forward faster, 'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Please, God, Please let him not find me.' Y/n would beg mentally, Their watery e/c irises would spot a bolder nearby, Perhaps if he was close enough they could stop and hide. Y/n would halt, Listening. "Y/-...Darling, I'll be gentle if you come to me right now, I heard your footsteps stop, Hiding will only make me madder, So...Come here, I know you know where I am...Do you know how much you hurt me right now? Hm, Dear? So, Come here and maybe I'll be gentle."
Like Y/n thought, Of course, he'd be close, Of course, he'd play the victim. Silently and steadily, Y/n would go towards the boulder. Squatting down, Giving attention to whatever noise Peter would make.

"That's it, Are we playing hide and seek darling? Oh, I'll get you alright, I'll win this little game, And if I win I'll get to pick what I wanna do to you. Doesn't that sound fair?" Peter would snicker, Y/n could hear him walking closer, and closer. Did he know where they were? How?! Y/n would panic Until the footsteps would come to a halt, It stopped right behind the boulder. Y/n would have tears flowing from their e/c orbs, Was this really how it was supposed to go? How did Peter find them so quickly? Y/n would reach up and hit their forehead, They're so stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Y/n would scold themselves, They weren't quite enough so now they're caught, Y/n thought they'd get away, Of course not...What were they thinking? Y/n would whimper, Still hitting themselves, Causing a bruise to form on their forehead.

"Oh darling, Don't hit yourself, It's okay..." Peters's voice was behind them, Y/n would instantly get up, Twirling around and stepping back. Horrified, widen eyes. Peter would look up at their forehead and tsk, "Oh, darling. I come to find you've bruised yourself, and why do you look so scared? That really makes me hard for some reason." Peter would chuckle, Stepping closer, His dark-blue irises would look at them up and down, "Your feet must be stinging right now, You have a bruise on your forehead from hurting yourself, -" He'd look down for a moment, Gasping lightly, "Your feet are bleeding! Darling, What did you do to yourself? This is why you need, Oh look at you, You look so hurt." Peter would sound disappointed, Stepping closer.

"It'll be okay, Honey, Let's go home and clean you up..." Peter would take another step, Making Y/n step back, "N-No! You're going to chop my legs off! G-Get away from me!" Y/n would shriek, Tears gushing down at this point. "Tsk, Perhaps, But I'll give you a chance to explain yourself, Then I'll decide." Peter would step closer, "It looks like you are losing a lot of blood, This isn't good for your health, Darling. Stop the games, We must get back and fix you up." "N-No! Your bad for my health, Saying you "love me" No! No, You don't! If you did you wouldn't have done this! If you gave it a little more time I would've possibly loved you, But you are just crazy!" Y/n would shriek, Slapping their hands on their mouth, Oh no, They didn't mean to say that. Peter would halt for a moment, Then suddenly jump onto them.

"Your wrong, Your wrong, Your wrong! You are lying, You do love me, You just don't know it yet! I love you, I love you so much and you dare to say that?! Do you know how much you wounded me to find out you ran away?! We were making progress, I thought. But no, You had to run away, You know how long it took to finally trust you to not have that rope around you?! I felt so happy, But you just had to ruin it, Darling, ...You don't even know what you've caused, Don't you? You hurt my heart, So now I'll chop these pretty legs off, Or, I'll just advance the ropes to chains, Take you everywhere I go, Like a collar, and a leash. I'm not this willing to spare something like this, But I'll choose..."

Just like that, Peter would reach up, Putting his hands on Y/n's nose and mouth, "I'm sorry, Just close your eyes and you'll be back in the house." Peter would try. Y/n would thrash their legs and arms, Wailing in his hands. Then like that, Forty seconds later Y/n had passed out.


Y/n's s/c eyelids would snap open, They were in a starfish position, On a table! Y/n's eyelids would widen, and their feet hurt. "W-Wha, G-Get me o-off of this!" Y/n would shriek, The chains being flailed around, Making a loud clanking noise. "Now now, Darling, I have to put this on you, Your lucky I didn't want to cut your adorable legs, I just thought of something, Once I did cut your legs...You couldn't put them on me in the future while I'm slamming down into you, or play little games that I'd love to play in the future~" A chuckle would erupt from his chest, "N-No! Let me out! Please, Let me out!" Y/n would start tearing up, Fresh steamy tears rushing down. "Honey, Don't cry...It's going to be okay, " Peter would stroll over, Sliding his hand on their face, Drying the tears as he'd slide it to their neck and down to their thighs. "So precious...Do you know how precious you are to me? Hm, darling? But for now, A collar will work, But if you do it again...I'm going to chop a leg off, Not both, Let's see if you can run with one leg, Hm~?" Peter would snicker, Leaning down and kissing their cheek.

Peter would lean back up, Walking to possibly where the collar and leash are, Did he have that just laying around? He couldn't have possibly just went to the store, Could he?
Peter would come back into their sight, Y/n was speechless, As quiet as always, Mostly. They knew nobody would hear them, But Peter of course.

"There we are, Darling! A collar and a leash, Oh, You're going to be like a little puppy~! My little puppy, So adorable." Like normal, A crimson blush would spread across his cheeks, A normal perverted thought, Or once he's just doing something to them, or possibly, Himself. "Now darling, Hold still, I need to put this on you~" Peter would advise, Putting it around their s/c neck. They would've been thrashing around, talking, anything! But they knew the consequences, So they'd stay still.

"There you are, Oh~, It looks so wonderful on you, Darling... Mmmgh~ To good, Perhaps another lesson should be taught? Yes, I think so...God, I love you so much." Peter would purr, Getting onto the table with a grin as his dark-blue irises would turn into hearts, His blush deepening.

Here we go again, The widen s/c eyelids widening as the tears would flow.
Peter knew that they did love it deep down, And he's going to prove that they love him, The same way he loves them.
Besides, His little puppy needs to know their master loves them.

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