Chapter 18

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I'm back :))))


"Why didn't we tell her the truth?" Jaemin asked. He sat down next to Taemin and sat his feet on the coffee table. So many emotions was going through his mind after seeing Yoonji. He couldn't believe his truth was finally out.

Taemin laughed. "The question here isn't why didn't we tell her the truth, it's why didn't she?" Before Taemin could sit down, there was a loud crying noise coming from one of the small rooms in their apartment. Taemin sighed quietly and immediately got up to tend to the noise.

"She did it for good reason though." Jaemin tried to defend Yoonjis huge lie, but wasn't successful in getting Taemin to see his point of view.

Taemin came out of the room, holding a smaller toddler in his arms. He was bouncing them trying to get them to smile. "You think she would tell us about your son," He handed Jaemin his son. "I think he needs changed."

Jaemin scrunched his face up at the smell. "Why didn't you change him?"

"He's your son."

"He's your nephew."

"Son comes before nephew."

"Fine Taemin," Jaemin stood up and walked to the changing station that was already in the living room. "By the way, why do you think Yoonji lied and said she lost our baby?"

Taemin sighed and began trying to search for the right words. "Maybe she was scared to bring a child into this world when she thought you killed him. I think her best bet was to pretend to lose the child and give him up for adoption."

"I'm so thankful for the hospital mix up." Jaemin lied then looked at his son and smiled. "I don't know what I would've done without my son."


Yoongi knocked on Namjoon's door. "Can you talk?"

Namjoon looked up at Yoongi and took his headphones off. "Yeah sure, what's up?"

Yoongi sighed and sat down. It took a lot for him to admit when he was wrong and in this case, he was so wrong.

 "Do you think I went too far in kicking Yoonji out?"

Namjoon stared at Yoongi, contemplating his next choice of words. He didn't know whether to reassure Yoongi of his choice or scold him. Ultimately Namjoon ended up surprising himself. 

"I think you did the right thing."

"Really? How so?"

"Because I get she's your sister but she's been very reckless lately. She's been putting herself and us in extreme danger sometimes. I love her like my own sister but being this reckless won't be good in the future especially when it comes to seeing her son bu-"

"What did you just say?"

Namjoon's eyes went big and he quickly covered his mouth. He shook his head.

"Namjoon, what did you just say?" Yoongi repeated.


"Yoonji has a son? I thought she lost the baby? How do you know? Who told you?" Yoongi kept bombarding Namjoon with millions of questions. "Tell me now Kim Namjoon!"

"Alright!" Namjoon gave up. "Jaemin and I go way back. We've been close friends since diapers. For a few years now we are still very close but he's been my secret friend ever since I've been a trainee. We both agreed it'd be better that way. When Jaemin told me he finally worked up the courage to spy on Yoonji months later and  overheard Yoonji talking to someone on the phone he saw her baby bump and quickly realized she lied and was still pregnant."

"That's it?"

"No, he found out where she was supposed to give birth and saw the due date so everyday that month he went into the hospital to see if Yoonji was there. The day came where one of the nurses said yes and he told the nurse he was the father. I don't know what happened after that but I remember Jaemin saying the nurse was supposed to give the baby to the orphanage but she let Jaemin have him instead because she felt bad he was going to be an orphan when his father was right there."

"They let Jaemin leave with the baby right then and there?"

"No! That's so dangerous. The baby had to stay at the hospital anyways so the nurse made Jaemin take a DNA test proving he was the father and it came back positive so the nurse let Jaemin take the baby home when he was ready to leave. The nurse never told Yoonji."

"That sounds like something you'd read in a Wattpad story." Yoongi was shocked to find out his nephew was alive.

Namjoon chuckled and looked away from Yoongi. "I know right."

"So Jaemin has the baby now?"


"How old is the baby?"

"I don't remember, I think a couple years old now, maybe older. I don't remember the timeline."

Yoongi nodded his head. "How could Yoonji not tell me. We told each other everything, at least I thought."

"I'm sorry Yoongi I should've said something sooner but it wasn't my place to."

"It's okay Namjoon," Yoongi got up from his seat and walked towards the door. He opened it and in the door frame stood Jimin. "Jimin?"

"Yoonji has a child?" Jimin asked.

"Technically no, she gave up her rights as a parent." Yoongi said. 

Namjoon stood up and blurted out loud. "I don't necessarily think she did. I only said she gave up the baby for adoption but I don't know if she really did."

"Then why did you say that hyung?" Jimin asked.

"The more I thought about it the more things started coming back to me. She had the baby but Jaemin didn't mention adoption. I thought he did." 

Yoongi squinted his eyebrows. "So what does this mean?"

Meanwhile Yoonji was walking down the street when she reached her destination. She walked into the restaurant with her hood still over her head. She looked around the room while the hostess was waiting to seat her.

"It's okay I found who I was looking for."

The hostess nodded her head and Yoonji went all the way to the back of the restaurant. She sat down at a table, across from two people.

"Sorry I'm late." She said with a sincere look on her face. 

"It's okay, did anyone see you come?" The person asked.

"No, we already came to an agreement to tell the same story, so no one saw me." 

"Okay good."

Yoonji smiled and held her arms out. "Come to mommy."

Her son laughed and opened his arms wide for Yoonji to grab him. "Mommy."



wow so shocking guys, enjoy :)

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