Chapter 2

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"Hyung who was that?" Jungkook asked as Yoongi walked inside the dorm. Him, Jimin and Taehyung were following Yoongi around after spying on him.

"No one." Yoongi said for the millionth time they asked him.

"But hyung! You guys hugged!" Jungkook whined and Yoongi snapped his head towards Jungkook.

"It was nobody, don't worry about it okay?" Yoongi said. He hated getting bombarded with all of these questions and on top of that they were whiny questions. Yoongi hates whining.

Yoongi walked away from Jungkook before he had the chance to ask yet another question, but unfortunately Yoongi ran into their oldest member Jin who likes to scold them like a mother for absolutely no reason.

"And who was you with young man?" Jin asked as he was holding a spatula in his hand.

Yoongi sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He definitely didn't want to tell anyone about his sister. They had no right to know. He kept her hidden since their early trainee days and he plans to keep her hidden during their debut.

"Its hyung's girlfriend." Jungkook said from behind Yoongi. He turned around and Jungkook ran right pass Yoongi and locked his bedroom door.

Yoongi ran after him and banged on the door. "Jeon Jungkook! I will get you for that." He shouted.

Namjoon came out from the bathroom and had a confused look on his face. "Are the triplets fighting again?"

No, they aren't actually triplets but since Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi were born in the same year, they call them the triplets.

"They're just trying to figure out who Yoongi was with a few minutes ago." Hoseok said while walking out of the kitchen slurping Jin's food he just made.

Jin looked at him and cocked his head to the side. "That doesn't happen to be the food im cooking now is it?"

Hoseok looked at Jin and then back at his hand before he took off running around. Jin sighed and chased after Hoseok.

Half the night was spent with Yoongi trying to get Jungkook out of the room with the help of Taehyung and Namjoon while Jin chased around Hoseok and Jimin was quietly watching them and eating the food Jin made.

Funny Jin didn't even notice.


Yoongi woke up to the sun shining down on his face. He hated it. Who wants the sun shining on their face early in the morning? He was forced to wake up and he couldn't go back to sleep anyways. His sister called him.

Yoongi groaned and silently stretched before he picked up the phone and answered it.

"What?" Yoongi said coldly into the phone. He's usually not rude when he first answers the phone, but since its Yoonji, he's always rude.

"Yah! Min Yoongi! Dont disrespect your elders!" Yoonji said usuing the same tone as Yoongi did.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his sister. "What do you want? I'm very busy."

Yoonji laughed. "Yeah, laying in bed sure takes alot of time."

Yoongi scoffed. "For your information i'm actually getting up."

"Yeah right,"

"Why did you call anyways, like I said i'm busy."

"I just wanted to see my favorite brother!" Yoonji said. "Why are you so salty? They should change your name to Salty instead of Suga cause you arent sweet." Yoonji cracked a joke.

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