Chapter 11

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( a/n )

whos ready for the update !!!


"Hyung are we almost there?" Jungkook asked. He looked up at Yoongi while dragging his feet down the street.

Yoongi didnt pay him any mind. He kept looking at all the houses trying to remember what house number it was until he finally saw it.

His parents house, Yoonji has to be there.

He didn't even bother saying anything to the others. He ran from the sidewalk up to his parents house.

"I think he found the house," Jimin whispered. He grabbed Namjoon and Hoseok's shoulders as they grabbed Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook's attention. They followed Yoongi to the door.

"Yoongi what are you going to do? Bang the door down?" Hoseok asked. He grabbed Yoongi's hand to stop him from banging on the door.

"Yoonji's in there, we all know it," He said. He looked at his members with sincere in his eyes. "I have to go in there."

"The doors are locked, is there another way to get in?" Jin asked.

Yoongi thought to himself for a few seconds. When Yoonji and him were younger their parents always left a window on the first level unlocked just in case one of them forgot their keys, but they never left the same window unlocked.

"I think I know how," Yoongi walked off the porch and walked to the side of the house, searching for a window to be unlocked.

"What are you looking for?" Namjoon asked.

"A window," Yoongi answered. He tried lifting one of the windows up, but that one was locked. "Shit," He muttered to himself. He was about to walk away from the window when he saw two figures.

He looked closer trying to see who they were until it hit him. It was Yoonji and Taemin.

"Taemin?" Yoongi asked himself. "Why is he here with Yoonji?"

"Did you find a window unlocked?" Hoseok yelled. Yoongi turned around and shook his head.

He refocused himself back onto his mission. Trying to find a window unlocked. He finally came across the last window which he figured was a bedroom window or something.

He lifted it up and finally, he found a window that was unlocked. Yoongi ran around the corner to get the guys. "It's unlocked!" He yelled. His members came jogging towards him to help lift him through the window.

"Now the real question is, who's going first?" Taehyung asked.

"I'll go," Namjoon volunteered himself first.

"No thats okay," Jin snickered. "You'd make too much noise."

"Let me go first," Yoongi said. He already was going to go first since this is his mission, it's his sister. "Just give me a boost."

The Bangtan boys were looking around at each other. Neither of them wanted to get on the floor and have Yoongi step on their backs.

"Just cup your hand," Yoongi said in annoyance.

Jimin caved in. "Fine, this is for Yoonji." He got on one knee and cupped his hands.

Yoongi stepped onto Jimin's cupped hands and could hear him groaning as he lifted Yoongi up. He then pushed Yoongi through the window.

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