Don't Get Too Attached ~Chapter 10~

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Hey guys! So sorry it's late, I've been busy with exams and coursework, but I've made this extra long (at least it feels long to me) LOL. 

Anywho, I think this one's really interesting, I had fun writing it! Sam is so cute! ;) 

Let me know what you think! 


Mel, xx


Chapter 10

“Thanks for having me round for dinner, the food was delicious Jenny.” I said sincerely. We were all sat in the living room and had just finished watching 'Cars 2'.

“It was a pleasure having you, you're welcome any time Tatiana. It's been a while since Sam brought a girl round for dinner.”

For some reason, my heart beat accelerated hearing that but I didn't let it show. Next to me, Sam had a pink blush to his cheeks and he cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I'll walk you home,” he said and stood up.

“You're leaving Tatty?” Cameron asked me sadly.

“Yeah, I've got to go home now buddy, sorry.” I said bending down and opening my arms wide. He ran into them eagerly and wrapped his little arms around me tightly.

“Can I come to your house with you?” He looked up pleadingly, his eyes wide.

“Aw, I'm afraid now buddy, it's almost past my bedtime,” I joked, “Maybe some other time?” I suggested.

“Okay! Bye Tatty,” I stood up straight again, gave them one final wave and followed Sam towards the door.

It was raining lightly outside when Sam opened the door so we jogged to my house. I went before turning to wave Sam off. I watched him run back to his, giving me one last wave and a smile before closing the door. I did the same and headed upstairs to change.

Once in my boxing gear, I headed to my work out room. My music was on full blast and I let it wash over me as I started. I was soon lost in it, sweat was dripping from my body and my heart was pounding heavily but I didn't stop, I couldn't. I felt good to release all my emotions on the punch-bag. It helped to clear my mind and numb me so I didn't feel anything; that was one of the things I loved about boxing when I started it. It helped to clear my mind and make forget the anger I felt towards my brother for leaving.

I was so concentrated on what I was doing that I didn't hear the front door opening and when the door to the room opened, I lunged forward to punch the intruder. “Ouch!” They yelled and staggered back.

It was too late when I realised who it was. “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!” I blurted, ripping off my gloves and rushing towards him. His hand was cupping his right eye and he leaned against the wall. “Oh gosh, come on, you need to sit down.” I took his free hand in mine and lead him towards my room. I sat him down on my bed as he groaned in pain, “I'll go get you some ice.”

I was downstairs on record time, I grabbed an ice-pack from the freezer before running back up the stairs. “Here, lie down,” I said moving his hand from eye. I sucked in a breath as I saw it starting to swell, the edges turning red. As gently as I could, I placed the cold ice-pack onto his eye and he winced before sighing in relief.

“You punch like a man!” Sam exclaimed.

I gave him a sheepish smiled, “I've been trained professionally... Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Sam! I didn't know it was you. Why are you sneaking into my house anyway?”

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