Don't Get Too Attached ~Epilogue~

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Dear readers,

For those of you who were reading this before, thank you. 

I'm going to apologise for the fact that I've deleted the other 10 chapter that followed this one, but honestly guys, I had no idea where the story was going. When I first started this, I just though "hey, let me try and write something to see if people actually read my work" and wow, people did. I was super excited and shocked that I got over 4,000 reads! Wooh, but I'm sure that number has decreased now that I deleted a bunch of chapters..

Anywho, let me carry on explaining. I had no idea where it was going, and it ended up taking a turn to the dark side (you'll know what I mean if you read the deleted chapters) and I didn't want that for the story. So I decided to end Tatiana and Sam's journey on a positive note! I hope I didn't upset any of you for discontinuing the story, but ever since I wrote chapter 14, I wasn't happy with the path my characters were taking. I feel as though this was the real ending of the story, and so it shall be. 

Thank you again for anyone who was reading it. 


Mel, x


Chapter 14

I woke up early the next morning to the smell of bacon in the grill and voices. I had had one of the best sleeps in a while and I couldn't help smiling at the memories that surfaced from the day before; I had spent the whole evening with Sam, laying on his bed and talking.

I stumbled out of bed and downstairs. Before I even reached the bottom, I was knocked over by a forceful push. My mind was working slow, since I had just woken up, but Cameron's grinning face was soon recognised. “Sammy said you were coming to watch me play football!” He shouted.

“Hey little guy,” I stood up and pulled him up with me, “Is that so?”

“Yeah! He told me you were going to train my team as well! We came to knock on the door to wake you up and your mummy told us to come round for breakfast! She makes really good bacon!” All of his sentences were spoken loud and fast and I couldn't help chuckle at his excitement.

I carried Cameron to the kitchen to find Sam sat the table, a bacon sandwich in front of him. My dad was sat across from him and my mum was by the kettle. “Morning,” I greeted everyone with a lazy smile.

“Morning.” They all chorused back, Sam sent me a dazzling smile.

“Your food's there, eat up. You've gotta leave soon,” my dad told me.

“Come on, Tatty! You sleep too much,” Cameron giggled at Sam's comment and I glared at him. He winked in response.

I sat down to eat my breakfast and listened to a detailed account of Cameron's last game, complete with actions and everything. I listened attentively, picking up on the facts that he played in defence, but had scored three goals this season...

I went upstairs to change and came down in my football boots, some black shorts and a loose fitting, light blue shirt to match the colour of Cameron's kit. “Okay, I'm ready.. Wait, are we walking?”

“Your dad offered to take us,” Sam grinned at me as he stood up, I noticed he was also in shorts and football boots. He was wearing a light blue hoodie with the badge for Cameron's team on the top left and 'SAM' written on the back...

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