Don't Get Too Attached ~Chapter 13~

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First off, I'd like to thank everyone for reading this, it means a great deal to. 

Secondly, this chapter plays a big part in the development of the characters and their friendship, and I really enjoyed writing it. 

Thirdly, I'm thinking of renaming the book, once you've read the chapter, you should know why, if not, I'll explain at the end. 

Fourthly, enjoy the chapter, if you love it as much as I do, please drop a comment, hit a vote, shoot me a message, I promise to reply, always! 

Now, enough of my rambling, here it is,



Chapter 13

We arrived back home at almost six in the evening and the sun was just beginning to set.

“Thank you so much for today, Sam. I had fun,” I said sincerely as I handed him my helmet. I watched quietly as he took out our bags and put the helmets under the seat.

“So did I,” He gave me a heart-melting smile, “Do you wanna come in? We could just hang out, my mum's out with Cammy.”

I hesitated, “Ah, I don't know..”

“Come on, it's like we've got anything better to do, and your parents are probably still sleeping,” He reasoned. He could probably tell I was going to refuse, “Come on!” He took my hand.

“Fine, fine! Just let me take these in and I'll meet you in five?” The smile he gave me in return was glowing and I couldn't help grin back at him.

Five minutes later, I knocked on his door as promised and he opened it straight away. He took my hand and pulled me upstairs to his room. “What are gonna do?” I asked.

“Whatever you want to do,” he threw himself onto his bed and it bounced.

“You made me come over, you tell me.” We stared at each other in silence before a face splitting grin took over his face and we both burst out laughing, “you don't have any plans, do you?” He bit his lip and shook his head, “What am I doing here then?”

“I wanted company.” He stated simply.

“And I'm just expected to stand here?” I asked sarcastically. In reply, he patted the space beside him. He was lying on his back, his hands behind his head. I stood in the same place, hands on my hips staring at him. He was looking straight ahead and I wasn't sure if his eyes were closed, or he was staring at the ceiling, but either way, he didn't seem to notice me. “Seriously, if you asked me over just for me to stare at you lying there, I'm going back home.” I turned and headed for the door.

“No! Don't go,” he sat up and looked at me with wide eyes, “Just come one, lie down. I wanna show you something.”

I sighed in defeat and lay in space beside him; there was something inside me that really wanted to spend the whole day with him, even if we were just lying side by side. I gazed up at the ceiling to see a collage of different drawings and paintings. There were some of his mum, his brother, him and his friends, the lake, his bike, some sceneries, famous landmarks, and some places I didn't recognise. Some were big portraits, like one of his family, in full colour, others were black and white. “Wow.” I whispered in awe. My eyes were roaming from one to the other trying to take it all in, from the vibrant colours to the little details.

“I knew you'd like it,” he said, I could tell he was smiling without even looking at him, “I'm always changing the designs on the walls and stuff, but that's one thing I keep the same, I just add more to it. There must be at least three layers, I never take any down.”

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