chapter 3.3

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            Murasaki was so happy and show off his hand to make a cake to kuroko and all of them sat down and eat it together. They spend time together until time to go home. In the evening at the mansion, everyone was having dinner and talking normally like they always do, suddenly Kuroko mention Lydia the girl he met . " mina-san do you think the girl we met this afternoon seem familiar ?"  Everyone was quite confused Aomine " dunno, can't remember why did you see her before? " kuroko " oh no well I was just thinking that I feel like I see her before"
Midorima " well is not like it's important right just leave it" Aomine " you just never want to know anything" the two boys starting to shouting to each other and Murasakibara start to speak up " nene can yous stop shouting, your not a child anymore act like adults " Akashi " stop both of you" he look at them intensely but seems like the both of them didn't stop and still glaring to each other. Kuroko get up from the chair " ok stop lets us go to bed now I'm very tired" Murasakibara quickly approached kuroko and hug him from behind " yeah let's go to bed "
Everyone was thinking inside their head 'yeah act like adults right'
Kuroko then bring them all up to the bedroom and gave them each a good night kiss.

               In the morning at the college everything was normal but on the thing that was not normal is that Lydia was waiting at the door for someone, as soon as kuroko and the boys walked up Lydia approached them and say
" good morning mina-san, how are you ?" She said it with a smiley face and lively, the atmosphere around her was very bright and everyone was blushing except kuroko who didn't understand her actions did not respond to anything. Lydia looked at Akashi with her sparkling eyes and her bright smile " emm I just want to thank you yesterday if it weren't you helping I think I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself. Oh and ( blushing face) I..I. I just wonder if it possible we could be friends, I if you wouldn't mind.'' The boys seem to be very excited and have a lot of hope that Akashi would agree but Kuroko was hoping that Akashi would declare but Akashi accepted her without hesitated " sure I have no problem, do you want to join us for class." Lydia was so happy and walked beside Akashi and walk arm in arm, surprisingly Akashi did not mind and let her do it. Kuroko was very unhappy about the fact that Akashi let her do what she please even though he was standing there.  Kuroko immediately walked into the classroom and sat separately from his lovers and Lydia, but his lovers seem to forget about him and Lydia looked at Kuroko with satisfaction on her face. Kuroko wasn't concentration on the lesson but was focusing on his lover and Lydia who seem to be having a great time talking with each other.
               In the evening Kuroko walked from his lovers because he feels that he didn't need to. His lover also did not notice that Kuroko wasn't with them the whole time. Kuroko walks home alone in the darker street without any people around, feeling lonely and left out. He walks through the park that he and his lover use to always meet up at after school during when they're in high school. He walks and walks but as he walks at a different speed, there seem to be people behind him walked the same speed, even though in a time like this was supposed to be no one around in the park. He turns around to make sure no one is following him but as soon as he turns around the two people behind him disappear. He starts to breathe heavily as his heart starts to beat very fast. He turns around quickly and tries to run but he could not take steps because the two stranger that was following him is in front of him and start to walk towards him closely. Kuroko take steps back in fear but did not show his expression only breathing heavily. Kuroko slowly says "wh..who are you and why are you following me?" The two guys seem to be very familiar to Kuroko and smile very maliciously before they said " oh oh forget about us already, you are making me feel sad here. Oh well it's not important right now who we are, (walk closer to kuroko and take the knife out) you should stay away from Kiseki no Sedai if you don't want to get hurt." Another guy " this is the warning from that person, it would be best if you just break up with your lover and leave". Kuroko did not understand why does he has to do that but Lydia picture came up in his head " you who are you guys and who is that person?" The first guy walk to kuroko and grab his arm " you should just listen and do what you were told like a good boy, it's not important right now who we are you will know us later anyway. If you don't do what we told, you will regret it." The second guy walked up to kuroko...

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