chapter 14

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Chapter 14

         Kuroko works up in the sunny morning and it to be a good day for many people, but Kuroko as he looks out the window and the empty bedroom his tears slowly drop down. He dresses up and goes downstairs as he always does. Suddenly a maid walks up to him and smiles brightly. He was confused and the maid said in a happy tone, "Kuroko-sama happy 22 birthday. I wish you the happiest person. Please don't give up, continued to fight for a better day to come. Please remember that we all love you and will always stay by your side until the very end." The maid hands him a present and other maids and servants starting to come up to him wishing him a happy birthday. Same as Tanaka and Nigo. Kuroko was very happy that he feels a little better now from all the things that are going on. He walks to the dining room and on the table there was his favourite food but there is no sign of his lover. Kuroko asks out of curiosity, "where is Mina-san?" The maid and butlers looking at each other with hesitation. Tanaka looks angry and says, "Kise-Sama, Aomine-Sama, Kagami-sama is currently resting and do not wish to be disturb. Akashi-Sama, Midorima-same has not come back home from working and Murasakibara-sama went to work early this morning." Kuroko was not that surprised and forcing a smile on his face. He sat down and eat while telling his servant to join him since he doesn't want to eat alone. After breakfast, Tanaka drops Kuroko at college and inform him that his lover will all be busy today. Tanaka wants Kuroko to take a day off today but he refused.
       Kuroko finishes all of his class and decided he will take a walk home to release his stress, however, the walk barely starts he walks into the one he did not expect to see the most. He looks at Kuroko and helps him up, "hey hey don't you think you owe us an apology." Kuroko pulls his hand out, "I...I'm very sorry about that. I wasn't looking." He tries to walk away but another man grabs his hand and pulls him over. He says in a playful tone, "don't think you can get away just says sorry. You need to make up to us as well, you know Nash get hurts because of you. Now come with us and we will forgive you." They both put their arms behind Kuroko back and walk him, Kuroko did not want to go along with them. Unfortunately, he can't refuse since both of them are very strong for him to break free. Not too long they reach their destination. Kuroko was confused when he sees the place he is at, "why are you bringing me to this place?" Nash smile, "come on it's not like you got any plane after this right since those guys are BUSY with something." Kuroko looks angry for a second and looks away. Hanamiya orders the food and smile at Kuroko, but his smile was very pure and lovely. Which make Kuroko stunned. The food then arrived and it appeared that all the food was Kuroko favourite even the drink. Nash and Hanamiya then speak together while they stood up and bow to Kuroko, "I'm sorry for the last 6/5 years incidence. I hope you can forgive us." Kuroko look at the two who is bowing with shock then he blurted out laughing, "hahaha so all these are just to apologies to me, thank you for your apologies, but I have long forgiven you and your teammates. So please there is no need for to bow to me."  the boys smile in relief and their tone of speech become softer. Hanamiya speaks, "if that is done then can you stay with... I mean can you stay for a little I want to buy you food." Kuroko did not hesitate to stay since he has no plan, "I will stay. Thank you for the food." Kuroko eats food happily and his mother seems to be getting better. Suddenly Nash speak up, "hey Kuroko do you and throes boys are still ok, as the relationship between you guy I mean?" Kuroko pause, as he heard the question his chest feels tight. There was no answer from him but the two boys know the answer just from looking into his sad eyes. Nash and Hanamiya face turning serious and scary as if they are going to kill someone. Nash sigh knowing that no matter how much he is angry and wanting to help Kuroko. He could not interfere unless Kuroko asks for help himself, "I suppose you know that Lydia is aiming for those guys right? There is something you need to know...." The both of them told Kuroko about their past with Lydia and her family. Kuroko was very shocked after hearing about Lydia and begin to get worried about his lovers.
        Kuroko quickly texts into the group chat saying that he has something very important to talk about, but there was no answer or reading message. He tried to call but none of them has answered his phone. Kuroko was too worried he storms out of the cafe to call a taxi decided to go home. As Hanamiya seeing how worried Kuroko is he suddenly get a bad feeling so he told Kuroko to memo his phone number in case of emergency, "if you need any help don't hesitate to call me or Nash. We will be there to help you."

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