I miss him...

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Marinettes Pov:

Why him, they couldn't of hired anyone else, this had to be the worst day of my life, I was so excited about being back home but now I have to work with the devil's son well until I get a call for my resumes I put in, I started to get lost in thought till I heard a voice chip in.

"Marinette, when are u going to go get that cookie you promised me,"? Tikki asked hungrily

"Sorry tikki I forgot, let me go get some," I ran down to the bakery to get some, I was relieved when I didn't see him down there. I grabbed plateful of cookies and brought them up to tikki, she started to smile when she saw them.

"Oh thank you so much!''

"You're welcome tikki."

I started to think about what happened to the peacock miraculous I had the butterfly miraculous safely in my custody, all of the other kwamies were super excited to see nooroo and so was I, he seemed very happy now he didn't have to deal with hawkmoth.

Then this thought came to my head what if adrein had the peacock miraculous and he was working with his dad I mean they were really secretive I didn't even know this adrein kid existed until he dad was put in prison.

I wanted to get what I was thinking off my phone so I started to scroll through my phone before I found a picture of chat noir hmm "I wonder what he is up to right now, I really miss him," I said quietly to myself, I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was almost 1 in the morning so I decided to finally dress in some pajamas and go to bed.

*Morning time*

I heard my alarm go off and decided to get up even though I didn't want to. I was changing into my baking outfit when I heard my papa yell.


"YES papa"

"You better get down here the bakery opens up in 30 minutes!!"

I hurried down the stairs that's until I tripped over a bag of flour as I was bracing for impact something caught me or should I say someone, I looked up and that is when my eyes met with his Beautiful emerald eyes, I shook my head out of that thought, "he is hawkmoths Son I can't think like that," she thought to herself.

I jumped out of his arms and said "thanks."

"You're welcome, thankfully i caught you or you would have knocked yourself out cold on that counter," he gave a soft smile and started to walk to the back.

Ugh how can he pretend to be so nice and innocent when I know he is far from that, I know him and his father were working together there is no way his father would have kept that from him.

"Marinette!" I heard my dad yell.

"Yes papa?"

"Can you work the register today, while we bake back here?"

"I can do that papa," I sighed

I wanted to spend time with them I've only been gone for four years I really missed them. It was really boring working the counter because no one really came in today, I was so relieved when the day was finally over. I went in the back to help clean up and that's when I saw Adrein was already doing it.

so I asked "do you want me to help you?"

He looks up at me and says "no thank you, I got it, and besides you look really tired."

"Are u sure?"

"Yes I am sure."

So I left him to do his thing and went up stairs I decided to work on my new design but I couldn't think of what to do until my went back to him, I really did miss him I would do anything to here his voice again, believe or not I was starting to fall for that sly cat, that was until we defeated hawkmoth and went out separate ways.

I looked down at my sketch book and started to draw a picture of chat, I couldn't help but giggle when I started to draw whiskers, he looked funny with them. Finally when I was done I went and taped it to my wall, "I knew my wall was missing something," I told myself.

I should probably get ready for bed. Once I was done I started to climb up on my bed and saw tikki sleeping so peacefully, I love her so much, I don't know what I would have done without her by my side growing up.

"Goodnight tikki," I whispered

Thats when I heard a light tapping sound on my trapdoor I almost let out I excited shriek until I saw a pair of crystal blue eyes looking down on me...

Anyways Kat Out ❤️

Hawkmoth's Son -AdreinetteWhere stories live. Discover now