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His crystal blue eyes where staring right Into my bluebell eyes and he had and all white suit his hair looked like chats but it was white and then he said "miss me princess? Because I really missed you." I was really scared before I knew it I fell out of my bed "me-ouch," I said really loud, did I just make a pun I could see his smirk in my head, I let out a thankful sigh when I realized the creepy impostor was just a dream, then tikki came flying over.

"Are you all right Marinette!?''

"Yes sorry tikki If I startled you," I told her. That was the weirdest dream well not really a dream more like nightmare I have ever had.

"Your good Mari, but what was that strange dream of yours about?"

"It was about chat noir, well no more like chat Blanc. It was really creepy,"

"Oh," she said.

"Tikki, do you think he is in some sort of trouble?"

"No, Marinette I'm sure he is fine, your just overthinking, you better get back to sleep you don't want to be exhausted in the bakery tomorrow."

"Your right." And then after being lost in thought I finally fell back to sleep, that's when the sound of my alarm had woke me up "ugh morning time already, I hate mornings."

I got ready and started to head downstairs, that's when I heard the bell jingle on the door and looked up there stood Adrein, he looked really tired he had dark bags under his eyes that were very noticeable, his hair was a mangy mess and he looked just really upset, I wonder what was going through his mind, I shook the thought away and started to help maman and papa open up the bakery.

I let Adrein go to the back and help maman and papa I think he would've been to tired to work the cash register I don't want him falling asleep while a customer orders, so I was going to work the register again today, I dread working this thing it's really boring up here. It was Tuesday so there really wasn't anyone coming bye so I just pulled my phone out and started to go through Ayla's ladyblog, she didn't really post anything since chat and ladybug were not needed really anymore, I would scroll on there just to see mine and chats battles I really do miss him I wish I could talk to him again, that's when I realized someone was leaning beside.

"Wow I forgot that thing even existed." Adrein said

"You used to watch the ladyblog?" I asked

"Yes, it's what got me through those boring days at home," he shrugged

"Me too."

"So who was your favorite superhero?" I asked

"I don't know, but if I had to choose one it would be ladybug."


"Because she is really brave, amazing, she did her job very well, was really smart, there are just to many ways to describe her," he said looking away from me

I looked away from him to hide the fact I started to blush, until I realized why am I blushing this is Adrein I'm talking to I started to get lost in my thought when I heard him say

"Who is yours?"

"I- um guess Chat Noir," i don't really care for ladybug since I am her but then I looked at Adrien and I saw him looking down at his shoes but I just ignored it, who knew why he was doing he was a strange guy

*Timeskip brought to you by plagg*

I've been working with my parents and adrein in the bakery for about two and half months now, no one had called me for any job interviews, so I guess I'll be here till then. Adrein and I got together and decided to make a schedule when I would work register and then he would, since today was Friday it was my turn, the day seemed like it was going really slow then I heard the bell jingle.


oh crap I forgot about Alya I've been so wrapped up with keeping an eye on Adrein and helping my parents with the bakery I forgot to call her, "h-hi Ayla."

"Girl I am so excited your are home when definitely to hang out like tonight!"

"I wish I could but I need to help my parents close up the bakery for the ni-"

"I'll help them close up Marinette, so you can spend some time with your friend," Adrein said coming out of nowhere

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, we are not going through this debate thing again, go I got this."

"Ok thank you?"

Ayla just stood there looking from Adrein to Marinette then back to Adrein before saying "come on Mari let's go!"

"Coming," I said as I grabbed my coat we exited the bakery and she started to speak

"GIRL WHO IS HE, you better give me all the deets!"

"Hes really nothing he is just a coworker and hawkmoths Son, he acts really ni-" I was interrupted again

"Woah woah back up did you hawkmoth's SON! I knew he looked familiar."

"Ok can we stop talking about him though, I feel like he's going to pop out of nowhere if we keep talking about him! So anyways how are you and Nino?"

"We are doing really well actually."

"Why didn't he come to the bakery with you."

"He had a gig to play tonight with the Kitty Section."

"Woah hold on they finally became a famous band! That's amazing I am so happy for them I'm going to have to call all of them!"

Third person Pov

Ayla and Marinette had finally made it to a restaurant and sat down, the lady asked them what they would like and then they began to order. After the restaurant they went walking and finally started to make their way back to the bakery.

Marinettes Pov

We finally made it back when Ayla asked me

"Hey girl Nino and I are wanting to go to a wine tasting event tomorrow night, you should totally come"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt I don't have anything planned"

"Also, Mari you should totally invite Adrien I bet he would love to go"

"I don't know about that Al, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask"

"Good, they boy looks like he could use a break." She said as I watched her walk off her brown hair that was in a ponytail was blowing in the wind, she was wearing a really colorful sweater that looks like something my Nonna would give me but she made it work.

The next morning was the same I got up , took a shower, got dressed, and headed for the bakery, when I got down there Adrein was already opening up the bakery, I didn't know if I woke up late or he was here early but that doesn't matter so I walked up to him.

"Hey Adrein,"


"So my friends and I are going to a wine tasting and I- I mean we were  wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Sure Marinette, that sounds fun, what time?"

"You've got to be kitten me, Ayla didn't tell me the time," I saw Adrein laughing and the I realized I said a PUN, me Marinette saying a cat pun I couldn't believe it.

"That was just claw-ful Marinette," he said not being able to hold in his laughter

"Great not you too." I couldn't hold in my laughter either

*Time skip brought by moi*

Ayla and Nino showed up to the bakery around 9 pm, Ayla was wearing a baby blue, fluffy, sweater she had her hair up in a ponytail, she had a orange scarf around her neck, Nino on the other hand was wearing the same thing he's been wearing since school but he was wearing a baby blue cap, I guess to match Ayla.

Adrein and I finished closing up the bakery and started to walk with Ayla and Nino, I agreed to bring Adrein because what if he gets drunk and I'm able to get the questions about the peacock miraculous off of him, I have a feeling it's going to be a good night.

Oh my... I forgot about this... but it's ok because I returned and have come back to update and fix my mistakes anyways for now Kat out ❤️

Hawkmoth's Son -AdreinetteWhere stories live. Discover now