So Far So Good in the OBX

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Sarah and I were driving back to my house after a long boating day. I felt a bit sick because I never drink that much but I was driving anyways. Sarah was talking about something with John B and how he wanted to do this but she needed to do that or whatever. I just couldn't stop thinking about JJ and how he looked at me when he realized I was talking about him.

I pulled up to Sarah's house and she got out and waved goodbye. All I heard from her talking is that someone is having their birthday party on the beach tonight and we just have to go because it's going to be the best party ever. I don't even know the girl, but she said everyone goes so I get to meet people and talk to Kie and JJ more. I realized Kie was a lot like me. We had similar style and personality and we both cared about the Earth more than our parents.

I arrived home and immediately fell asleep for a few hours. I didn't care that I would have less than 10 minutes to get ready for this birthday party, I was out.

I woke up two hours later with a half hour until the party. I got into my favorite tank top and shorts and put on my jewelry. I was sunburnt from earlier but it just looked like natural blush so I didn't even have to worry about makeup. I brushed out my hair and put on my perfume and I was ready to go. I still had a lot of unpacking to do in my room which my parents told me to have done by now but I would rather go out.

I started walking down the stairs, wondering where my parents were and then from the top of the stairs my mom called my name.

"Destiny? Where are you? You better not be out with those boys still!" She yelled. I quickly grabbed my shoes and quietly ran outside. I put on my shoes, got in my car, and drove off.

I didn't know where I was going but Sarah never told me to pick her up so I just went around to the main beach, and sure enough, everyone was there. I saw Pope run past the car but when I got out to talk to him he was gone. I walked to the beach slowly because I didn't know anyone. People were being so loud and crazy and there were flashing lights, it would be my type of party. If I actually knew these people and they played some music I knew.

I walked through the crowd closer to the beach and saw Sarah and a giant group of friends.

"Look! There she is!" Sarah said and pointed to me. She was already drunk, yay. I waved at everyone and walked over even though I wanted to do anything but that.

"Hi! I'm Destiny, sorry if Sarah's already drunk, she's had a day." I said.

Everyone laughed and introduced themselves, there were six girls but i couldn't remember their names if I had to. I continued look around for Kie but people were being reckless and running into other people and things so I had to dodge my way there. Eventually I found Kie and some random guy talking about the next hurricane coming and how nobody was ready for it because the last one just hit. I just sat there and listened hoping this weird guy would go away, especially because he was hitting on Kie and she's dating Pope.

While I was sitting there listening to boring guy I was looking around for JJ. Would he even come to a party like this? Probably only to talk to girls. After twenty minutes of sitting in pain because I had to listen to this guy, he left.

"Hey." I said to Kie.

"Hey, sorry about that guy he's really annoying I just wanted to run from him the whole time." She said and we both laughed.

"I wasn't even talking to him and I wanted to as well." I agreed.

"So, how are you liking the Outerbanks?" Kie asked.

"I love it! I just wish I knew more people because they look at me like I'm an alien." I said.

"I don't know half of these people either, they're all just Sophie's little Kook friends." Kie said.

"So I'm at Sophie, a Kook's, party?" I asked.

"Of course Sarah didn't tell you. Yep, this is Sophie's party but she's really nice and hates the whole Kook and Pogue thing." She explained. "You should meet her, you'd definitely be good friends."

"Okay. I probably can't talk to her though there's so many people here!" I said.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Like you, a lot of people here just come here because, not because they want to talk to Sophie." She said.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I said. As soon as I was done saying that, Kie pointed to someone.

"That's Sophie, go talk to her!" She said.

"Okay okay bye!" I said. Sophie wasn't surrounded by people so it was the perfect time. I walked up to her and she immediately smiled and said hi.

"Hi, are you Sarah's friend Destiny?" She asked.

"Yep I am. I just wanted to say hi because I've never met you and I need to meet all of Sarah's friends." I explained.

"Well, hey! I live literally right across from your house so if you ever want to hang out you can call me or text me. What's your number?" She asked. I told her and she sent a message to see if it worked and then told me she had to go deal with someone being strange. We said goodbye and then I turned around to see Kie was gone.

"Alright guys! I'm going to start the party music so if you aren't gonna dance then get off the dance floor!" Sophie shouted into a microphone.

People moved out of the way and I saw Sarah and her friends get up to dance. I walked over to them and they were just being funny and doing random dance moves, so I did that too. It was really fun actually, Sarah wasn't being a bitch and everyone was happy. We danced for like seven songs straight of just dancing and laughing. I knew a few of the songs but liked the ones I didn't know. A few of the girls left to go get a drink or talk to someone but I wasn't planning on doing that. I was in the middle of dancing when someone tapped my shoulder and then grabbed my hand and spun me around. It was JJ. He started doing funny and strange dance moves and it made me laugh. I noticed Sarah's friends looking over at me with a face that was definitely saying girl-look-at-you. I was happy, everything was going well so far in the outerbanks.

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