Chapter 7

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"Unhand her you filthy male...!"

In an instant, I was surrounded by over a dozen teenage girls with knives at my throat and bows drawn with arrows aimed directly at my face.

I put my hands up, "woah, this is certainly not the warmest welcome."

"Put away your weapons girls he is my guest!" Artemis shouted and the hunters all put down their weapons reluctantly and resumed their activities. 

One of the senior hunters approached us. 

Her name was Phoebe I think?

"My lady, who is he and where is Thalia?" Phoebe asked while glaring daggers at me.

"Thalia is currently on Olympus being treated for her injuries by Apollo and as for who he is, that's for him to say," Artemis explained.

I sighed and stuck my hand out for a handshake,  "I'm Percy Jackson, we've met before but I never really interacted with you much."

Her glare softened as she recognized me and she shook my hand, "So what business does the Hero of Olympus have doing here with Lady Artemis?"

"Tutoring I guess? It's quite the long story."

She didn't pry, "I see, well you were Zoe's friend and Lady Artemis seems to trust you.    So you're alright in my eyes but the rest of the hunt won't be so easy to convince."

"Alright well I'll make sure to keep that in mind." I smiled and followed Artemis to her tent.

"My apologies for their behavior...I hope they didn't offend you, they were merely looking out for me." Artemis said a bit embarrassed.

"Nah it's alright I'd be concerned too if someone I cared for was being grabbed by a stranger,"  I admitted and she smiled.

"Very well let us discuss this arrangement," Artemis said reverting to a more serious tone.

First, we agreed I'd represent the aspect of hunting evil monsters something like an exterminator which would align with my other domains but I would have to periodically go hunt certain monsters similar to what Artemis had been already doing. 

Second I'd learn how to properly do archery and perform all tasks of hunting such as foraging, skinning animal pelts and butchering meat, etc...

Lastly, I will have to help Artemis recruit hunters by using my ability to interact with Mortals unrestricted.  During the war, they lost substantial numbers and now they are trying to do their best to bolster their numbers again.

"Does that sound fair to you?" Artemis said and I nodded.

"Good luck in teaching me Archery...Even Chiron gave up on me."  I grimaced at the thought of Chiron's disappointed face when I shot him in the ass for the third time in a row despite him standing behind me. 

She scoffed and proudly puffed her chest, "You are speaking the goddess of Archery I will be more than capable of teaching you what that old horse couldn't."

- Several days later.

"How the fuck did you manage to shoot a target behind you while aiming at a target ONLY A FEW FEET AWAY FROM YOU!" Artemis raged as I had defied the laws of physics once more.

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