Chapter 6 (REWRITE)

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When I heard my titles I cringed a bit because it made me seem like an almighty god of destruction. Although technically I am, it still sounds weird being called that.

"Perseus, allow us to list your domains..." The fates spoke in unison.

"Oh yeah, go ahead."

"Your main domain is Time! All of your other domains are: Destruction, War, Hope, Heroes and demigods, Earth and Tartarus,Torture and madness, Hunting of monsters and lastly...Harvest and Nature." They said in one breath.

"Oh great now I'm even more absurdly powerful." I muttered to myself sarcastically.

After getting my titles the gods decided to commence a feast and to party.

I drank wine and ate food with friends and family while enjoying the heart warming scene which was Jason proposing to Piper.

I bet Annabeth would have loved this... I thought depressingly while sipping on my glass of wine.

When nobody was watching I escaped from the party and sat outside at Hera's garden. Athena was out here too so I approached her and saw the sad look in her eyes that I knew far too well.

"You're thinking of Annabeth aren't you?" I asked the grieving goddess.

"Not just her but also my other children who died in the war...But yes, I was mainly thinking of her." She admitted.

"...Before the war began I had some children of Hephaestus forge me a ring. I was going to propose to her but then fate decided to kick me in the ass..." I said bitterly while finishing the last bit of wine.

Athena's expression softened and asked, "Please tell me, what were my daughter's last moments like?"

I had a faint smile, "She was very strong and brave...Not to mention wise and beautiful, in-fact if it wasn't for her quick thinking I would have never of survived the initial fall into Tartarus."

My heart ached and I choked down the urge to cry or let out a sob. Athena saw this and hugged me and she too began crying.

"You truly were a man deserving of my daughter...But I hope that you move on for her sake, it's what she would have wanted." Athena said and I chuckled.

"Yeah...She did say that," I wiped my tears and smiled, "thank you Athena I bet you would have been a great mother in law."

"Likewise Percy...Enjoy your godhood and make Annabeth proud." Athena said before leaving and heading back into the party.

I decided to stay outside and admire the stars...I caught glance of Zoe's constellation and whispered to myself.

"I miss you old friend..."

The stars twinkled in response and while I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed that a certain Auburn haired goddess was next to me.

"Perseus...?" She said her voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm...? Lady Artemis," I turned slightly, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Sort of expected you to be enjoying the party with your friends." Artemis said and I sighed.

"Perhaps I would have back then...But the night breeze is just perfect so I decided to have a small chat with Zoë..." I said while pointing at the constellation.

"I see..." Artemis took a deep breath, "Percy could I teach you how to control your divine powers?"

"Eh...?" I was shocked at her offer but I quickly came up with a response, "Yeah I'd be honored but...Why would you want to teach me?"

"I thought I'd help you since we share a domain. Although I have heard that your archery skills are quite...Lacking." Artemis explained while I winced at the word 'archery'

"Yeah...I have a tendency to hit everything except my target. Hopefully you can fix that even though Chiron himself already tried and failed." I said and Artemis scoffed.

"I am the goddess of the hunt and one of the twin archers. You can't be that bad even Dionysius can shoot and he's always drunk." Artemis reassured me and I nodded.

"Okay so when do we begin...?"

"Let's go now, I already sent back my hunters. They didn't want to participate in the feast and after party because of being near drunken men." Artemis said and motioned me to grab her shoulder.

We flashed away in a blinding silver light and appeared in the middle of the hunter's camp.

"M'lady you're ba—" The Hunter stopped talking and drew her bow and pointed at me. In unison every hunter sprung out with their bows drawn and pointed at me.

"Unhand her you filthy male!"

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