The First Date.

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The next Friday.

(Garden Lodge)

This evening was special for Freddie. He made sure the House was clean. Everything was in right place. Red roses on the tabel. Beautiful tablecloth and porcelain tableware.
Joe made them a tipical Irish dish, Shepherd's pie.
Freddie never eaten this food in his life but it smelled delicious.

"Okay Freddie, Phobee and I are leaving. Do you want us to do something else before we leave?"

Freddie stepped in front of them
"Just one thing. do i look good?" he asked. He was wearing a pair of black trousers and a black shirt that showed off his strong shoulders.

"yes you look good, but button down your shirt a little."Phobee said

Freddie did, just enough so his chest hair was a little visible.

Joe and phobee left. After a couple minutes someone rang the doorbell.

Freddie excitedly jumped up from his seat. He ran to the door before opening it he looked in the mirror fixing his hair.
"please god, give me luck" he murmured
He took a deep breath and opend the door and There was Jim  he was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. He Had shy smile on his face.

"Hello Freddie!" he said.

"Hi Darling! Its so nice to see you again!" said Freddie and hugged him warping his arm around his waist. Jim let out a little whine. He hesitated a little but he put his arm on Freddie's shoulder. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Freddie smelled Jim's Cologne. It smelled sweet almost as sweet as the Irishman himself.

They broke the hug. They noticed they were both blushing.

"Jim Darling come in!"

When he stepped in he imidietly noticed the beauty of the house. He looked inside the living room.
There was a big couch in front of it there was a tv.  The wooden floor was covered with a large beige carpet. And the wall is bright yellow full of beautiful paintings.And then jim saw a big black piano in the corner of the room.

" Wow. You can play the piano? " he said surprised.

"yes, is this so surprising?" Freddie asked

"I just tought rockstars play guitar or something."

"Oh darling. In our music we play something different every time. If we would be just a average rock band we wouldn't be that successful." he explained Jim nodded.

After Jim felt something purring against his leg. He looked down and hi saw a Orange cat.

"oh hello sweetheart. Do you like our guest." said Freddie when he noticed Oscar.

"oh you have a cat" Jim gently picked him up.

"actualy I have a lot. But the others are sleeping now he is the only one who always stays up late." Freddie said rubbing the cats stomach.

"he is so sweet." Jim said smileing down at the furry orange angel.

"thats odd he dosent like other people but he seems to love you."Freddue said looking at Jim. He was so adorable whit the cat in his hand

Jim put down the cat and they went in the kitchen.

"I hope you like it. I didnt know what would you like to eat. So my friend helped me make sheperd's pie." He said a little nervously.

"Thats one of my favourite. My mom often made me this back in Ireland."

"oh good to hear that."
they sat down facing each other.
Freddie served the food for Jim and himself and poured  red wine in their glasses.
Jim lifted the first bite to his mouth and he  eat it. Freddie watching his reaction.

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