The Long Kiss Goodnight.

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The next week.

I cleaned the house. I wanted to make it at least pretty. I know my house is not like Freddies. Its very tiny. I have only one bedroom. A tiny kitchen, a bathroom and a sitting room whit a sofa a little coffee table and a tv. This is what i can afford now. My Land-lady is very nice. I never told her that i was gay but i know she knew. It was obvious when Alex moved here years ago. So i wasnt afraid to take a man home.

It was 7 pm. Freddie can arrive any moment now. I was nervous. It's been so long since a man came to my house... Other than Alex.

A couple of minutes later. I heard a car stopped in front of my house.
I went to the window. I saw Freddie came out of the car. He was so handsome as always.
Then i heard him knocking on the door. I rushed there opening the door.

"Hi Freddie." i said

"Hello Jim." He said and hugged me.  I  was very happy to see him again. Our date last week was lovely. I feel the conection between us and im sure he feels the same.

"i brought you some flower." he said showing me a beautiful bouquet of rose.

"oh Freddie. Thank you."  I dont know what gotten into me but, I suddenly  kissed his face.

He blushed deeply and i feelt my face heat up too.

"Im glad you like it." he said handing me the roses. I put them in a wase. And returned to Freddue he was looking around the house.

"I know its not like yours. But i tired to make it pretty for you" I said.
But Freddie didnt care cause he noticed a picture of me and my family.

"Thats your family?" he asked smileing at me.

"yes. It was taken in maybe 1954. When i was 5 years old. At my grandmothers house." I rememberd that day.

"which one is you?" Freddie asked.

I pointed at the youngest looking boy on the picture.
"Thats me. The youngest"

"ahw Darling. You were so cute... Well you are still cute." I blushed and  saw Freddie smileing at me.

We sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. Freddie  quickly found a romantic movie.

"You like romantic films?" he asked.

"well.... i havent seen much. But sometimes i like it but it's too 'romantic' .I Think love is not just a farytale. Sometimes it can hurt too" i said remembering my past relationship whit Alex.

"Yes. Its true. But if you have a right person whit you its an amazing thing." Freddie said looking into my eyes. He touched my hand. I blushed. Then he lifted my hand and an he kissed my wrist.

He smiled and put his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head against his chest. I heard his heart start to beat faster. It was lovely feeling.

We caried on watching the movie.
Hugging each other. I felt so calm.
After the movie ended. We still didnt moved.

"how did you liked it?" he asked me.

"It was pretty good. I liked the plot twist in the end." i said

"Yes thats true. I didnt expected that she will fall in love whit her brothers best Friend."

"at least it was exciting." I said reaching out for the Remote Control. What i didn saw that Freddie did the same thing and our hands touched.

I pulled my hand back but he dropped the remote and instead he touched my hand.

I looked into his eyes. His brown eyes were so beautiful. My eyes went down his lips. They were perfect. So kissable. I just wanted to pull him for a kiss.

I looked in his eyes again. This tinm i couldnt conroll myself.
I let out a sigh and i leaned forward to kiss him.
He jumped a little but then he melted into the kiss. It didnt take him long to grab the back of my head and take the lead. His lips were so soft. It tasted good too. His tounge played whit the entrace of my mouth and i slowly opened it. When our tounge met i felt an electric wawe rush trough my body.

I let out a small moan.
My whole body was warm. My heart  is beating fast.

I broke the kiss and try to catch my breath.
"Freddie" i whimperd.

"oh Jim" he whispered into my ear.
He kissed all over my face after that he kissed my neck. I started to shake from excitement.

His tongue caressed my troath.
But when he put his hand  on the inside of my tigh close to the growing bluge on my jeans  i flinched. And pushed his hand away.

"Sorry... I know it was too fast i shouldnt have..." he said

" No its not..." i tired to calm my breath "I shouldnt have kissed you."

His face was upset.

"Darling i loved the kiss. I moved to quickly. Im not going to touch you until you allow it to me.... I promise" he said.

"Okay. Sorry for this... im so awkward." i felt emberassed. Why i racht like that?

"No. Dont say that. Its normal."
He said slowly reaching for my hand.

"Thank you Freddie."

"Its nothing my darling."
he said and kissed my hand.

Time passed it was time for him to leave.

We standed in the door.

"I enjoyed this night so much." he said

"I did to" i really did. Freddie is amazing. He is so polite whit me.

"Darling. Me and the band are recording some songs tomorow i wondered if you would like to come?"

"That would be amazing. I really want to hear you sing."

"I will send Terry to pick you up."
He said warping his hand around my waist.

"okay. I cant wait" I put my arms around his neck. My thumb caressed his hair

"can i kiss you one more time?" he asked licking his lower lip.

"Yes, please." I said.
He leaned  in to kiss me. It was slower than the kiss we shared on the sofa. But it was tender and loveing.

We pulled apart.

After that we said goodbye. I went to my room. I tried to clear my head. But the only thing is on my mind is Freddie and his tender lips on mine.

I whis he was next to me right now. I whis he stayed. But im still afraid of dissapointing. Specialy now when i realised how much i like him.

(Garden lodge)

When Freddie arrived to his house he didnt went inside right away.
He went  out to the garden.
He layed down on the grass and watched the stars.

He lighted a cigareta  and lifted it to his mouth and inhaled it deeply.
The stars were shiny tonight as much as Jim beautiful eyes. He tought..

He slowly licked his own lips. Imagining Jims. The taste of it and How soft they were.
Freddie smiled. He was so happy.

"Ah Jim... What did you do to me?" he murmured to himself.

As he watched the stars,and thinked about Jim. The kisses and the dates, he realized more and more what he felt about Jim was more than just Affection. He felt Love. He couldnt remember the last time when he felt that. But he knew it was Love.

(I hope you liked it. See you next week. Love you all) ❤️❤️

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