Bleeding heart

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Jim looked at him in confusion. Why would Freddie be in so much anger just becouse someone called him. It's gotta be something more going on.

Freddie gave him a very apologetic face.
Jim gave him a smile.
"You can go and answer love, its alright"

Freddie leaned in to kiss him. He got out of the bathtube and put on a robe.

"I cant fucking belive. " Freddie said while rushing to the phone.

"Stay calm  Freddie. Its Just Barbara."

" Now listen to me , Phoebe! I dont give a slightest fuck about who is calling. Im having a private moment with my boyfriend. So it would be lovely if next time someone calling tell them Im busy." Freddie was furrious. It was clear.

"Okay Melania , for now lets stop taking your anger out on me and answer that phone ,please?" Phoebe was right and Freddie knew that but hi was too stubbor to admit it.

Freddie rolled his eyes and finally picked up the phone.

"Yes, Barbara? How can i help you?"
His annoyed tone was very noticable.

"Oh Darling. A  simple "hello" would have been nice ." Barbara respomdet with the same tone. Freddie wasnt surprised at all. He was used to Barbaras clap backs trough their friendship. She was the only person whom he accepted the same arrogancy as he has.

"Sorry. May I know the reason why you decided to call me?

"You know why i called you again. It Winnie he needs you."

"Sorry to inform you this way but me and Winnie are broken up. So i have nothing to do with him anymore"

" I know that. Just the reason is not a hundred percent clear to me. You two were so in love and..." She was interupted by the singer .

"Okay, first of all you could have asked Winnie this. Second we werent in love anymore , we were so toxic for each other it hurts. I dont deserve him , he dont deserve me.  I was tired of his machoistic behaviour. But you I alredy told you this." Freddie explained . Meanwhile Jim got out of the tube too. And listened to the conversation from the corner.

"Oh okay. So you will just leave your friends alone. Look if not for me come back for Winnie. Im sur you can make it work again. He is always talks about you . He still thinks you two are together and what happend that night, the whole breakup was just a joke."

"What? A joke?" Freddie was in so much frustration. All the memories started to flood his mind.


(Flash-back from 1982. The 7th of October)

"Come on babe. It was nothing I just wanted to make you a little bit jelous." Said Winnie while following Freddie home. He was fully drunk he barely could form full sentences.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You had your tongue down that guys throath. What would you call that?"

"You Fucking do the same thing Freddie. Dont play the fucking Victim." The german was clearly annoyed he leaned against a wall and laughed mockingly.

" When i put that ring on your finger I thought we discussed that we stop this fucking thing. Im trying to make out relationship work now and you ruin it ."
Freddie had tears running from his eyes.

"Oh interesting. Now you say that. Where was that when you fucked all those man.
You did that to make me jelouse. Not to mention how many times i had to carry you home becouse you drugged yourself unconscious. " Winnie punched the wall .He let out a small crie from pain and some german swearwords.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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