Love me like theres no tomorow!

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(At the studio)

"This is the studio Darling. This is where we recorded our latest album. Itis going to be a big succes." Freddie
Said looking proudly  at the albums on the wall.

"Im glad to hear that."Jim says. His gaze was on the piano .
Freddie noticed .

"Do you want me to play something?"

"Yes. I'd love that." Jim said whit a shy smile on his face.

Freddie sat down in front of the piano. He was thinking what should he play but when he looked at Jim he knew the right song. He moved his fingers a little bit and started to play.

"love me like there's no tomorrow .Hold me in your arms tell me you mean it"
Freddie looked up at Jim. He blushed and smiled.

"This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over but today just love me like there's no tomorrow"

Freddie played the piano for a littel while. It was so  romantic. Freddies voice was beautifull .It made Jim's heart speed up .

When Freddie stopped He asked Jim.
"So, do you liked it?"

"I...I "Jim was speechless.
" I loved it. You sounded like an angel."
Freddie blushed.

"I wrote this song like a year ago. To my...."
He stopped. He wasnt sure he should tell Jim. But when the Irishman asked he didnt have any choice.

"To who?"Jim asked curiously.

"To my ex boyfriend. But since I lost my emotions towards him I started to hate this song."Freddie told him.

"Then why did you sang it right now?" Jim asked

Freddie went to stand in front of Jim. He wanted to look in those brown eyes.

"I sang it becouse...I got started to feel again." Freddie reached out to touche Jim's face." I sang this song for you Darling  and I want this to be true."

"What?" He was confused

Freddie took a deep breath
"Jim, I love you."Freddie said.

Jim heart missed   a beat. His lips were apart from shock.

"please say something!" Freddie said .He was nervous.

"Freddie I..." Jim was about to say something when the door opened.

"Hi Freddie ...oh" Brian came in whit the boys.
But he suddenly stopped when he saw them.
"You must be Jim." Roger said.

"Guys...."Freddie was kinda upset that the moment was ruined.

"Yes Im...Jim...but how you guys know me?"

"Freddie told us about you." The went to shake hands whit Jim.

"It's nice to meet you guys."

"Its pleasure for us. Freddie planned  this for a long ago. Am i right?"Said Brian looking at Freddie

"Yes... Its true."Freddie said looking at the Irishman. He blushed and smiled.

"So guys...the new album will be released next week. Today we will celebrate it."

"This is a big thing for me...for all of us. Guys Im proud of us. It was the first album since our ...breake and I just want you guys to know that You are my second family and i dont want to lose it again." Freddie said his voice kinda heavy .

"Freddie  you always have us. Even tough you sometimes and asshole." Roger said. They all laughed .Freddie noticed Jim smileing.

"Thank you Roger. "He laughed
"You guys mean so mich to me. And I didnt have real Friends before I joined this band.
You idiots are my best friends."

At Freddies speech the boys became emotional.

"Oh you cry baby's. " Deacy said k fighting whit his own emotions.

They hugged each other.

"Guys we are here to celebrate today I dont want any tears from now okay?"
Brian said.

They sat down on the couch. Freddie was close to Jim but kept a distance. He know when he told Jim about his feelings he made him scared. Was it too soon?
He put his arm around Jims shoulder . Jim was okay whit it .

" So Roger how are you and Dominnique?" Deacy asked

"We are okay. She has very tired cause of the  pregnancy but its only 3 more mhonts and our family will have a new member."

"And I will be uncle again." Freddie added.

"Yes Thats right."said Roger " to be honest Im nervous again."

"It will be okay. You are a good father" said Deacy conforting Roger.

They talked all night and Finaly the went home Freddie offered Jim a ride home.The were quite all night and in the car the atmosfeer was very intense. They didnt speak they didnt looked at each other but they both know they should talk about it.

Jim stepped out of the car  and wanted to go inside his house avoiding Freddie but the singer was faster and stopped him by gently grabbing his hand.

"Wait Jim! We need to speak." Freddie was clearly upset .

Jim looked at Freddie his face was sad .

" Jim I want to know your answer!"

Jim shighed and said
" Freddie I dont know what I feel. I...I
Was suprised . "

"I know It was sudden but I meant what I said. I love you." These three words again went trough Jim mind.

"Freddie , we  just getting to know each other. You are a lovlely man. You are kind ,
Gentel and sweet but you have to understand that I...I need to learn to trust again." The tears on Jim face shined in the moonlight .

"I will be patient Darling.I promise. I just love you since the day we met. I know it sounds insane but i felt immidiet conection towards you." Jim smiled . He felt that conection too.
The day they met he  know that Freddie is a special man.

Jim hugged Freddie and burried his face into his chest.
"I know i have feelings for you. I just have to figure them out and to trust you." Jim murmured. Freddie kissed the top of his head.

"Im happy to hear that. I will give you time."
The singer  squized him thightly.

Jim looked up at Freddie and into his big brown eyes.

"Im hear for you. Just please dont give up on us." Freddie said his own tears running down on his face.

"Why would I do that?"Jim asked.

"I have a lot of relationships in the past and all of them fucked up. Mostly becouse we gave up on each other. But this time I dont want to fuck up." Freddie addmited

"I never gave up a relationship before. When I fall in love whit someone It cannot be reversed. " What Jim said made Freddies heart faster. He is alredy madly in love whit the Irishman and one day maybe he feel the same.

Freddie leaned down to kiss Jim. His face was cold from the weather but it suddenly warmed .Jim's lips was like heaven. He wanted to stay like this forever. Just the two of them. Loving and caring about each other.

When they pulled apart Jim breathed out.
"Freddie. I think I love you."

Freddie's heart beat was much faster.
The only thing is he wanted to hear Is Jim saying those words again and again

"Please say it again." Freddie murmured against Jims lips.

"I love you Freddie."

" I love you too. "His voice broke. He kissed Jim again.
Their tears mixed on their faces  .

Freddie knew he will be happy this time.
And he will make Jim happy too.

(Thank you for reading. I will post next week.
Love you all.❤️❤️❤️)

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