A good friend.

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(Garden lodge)

When Freddie stepped inside the room he noticed Joe  was on the phone. He was talking whit somebody. Freddie stepped closer to hear more of the conversation.

"Barbara , you have to understand that Freddie had enough of Winnie."
Freddie's face changed hearing this name.

He tapped Joes back. Joe turned around.
Freddie reached to the phone.

He rolled his eyes .

"Barbara Darling . Its Freddie. " The singer said

"Hello Freddie.  I can speak to you , finaly."
He heard the womans cheered voice.
To be honest he wasnt that cheerfull.

"Why did you called? "

"I wanted to talk about you and Winnie. You have to talk about..."

"No. I told him Its over. Its not my fault that he dosen't understand it."

"Freddie. He loves you."

"I loved him too. But its over I dosent feel anithing towards him."

He heard the woman shigh. Like se was annoyed.

"You cant just forget him like that. You said he is the love of your life. "

"Yes, but  I figured that I was wrong."
Freddie nerves were tiggered.
He knew Barbara just wanted to help them but now that his life became better he dont want to ruin it by going back to the german man.  Specialy that he he now has someone better.

"I love somebody else."
The singer told. He only heard silence.

"He is everything i wanted. I loved Winnie but my heart is beating for somebody else. "

"Oh Freddie. I didn't knew it." Barbaras voice was sorry.

"Please tell Winnie. "

"I try to speake whit him. But i cant promise anything."

"Thank you. Have a good day!"

"You too Freddie" they hung up.

Freddie looked annoyed .he nervously sat down on the chouch. Joe went closer .

"Do you want to talk about this? You seem upset."

"That would be good."Freddie smiled lightly.
Joe sat down next to him

"I dont really know what happend between you and Winnie. You werent really close to your Friends that time. " Joe said.

"Yes I know... The break up was hard for me.
I broke up whit him becouse  I loved him so much but It didnt felt like we were made for each other. "

"What do you mean?"

" I couldnt open up for him. I think he didnt understand my feelings. And in the end of the relationship it was just sex...not even sex
Just fucking.  " The singer laughed painfully.

" I know you are an emotional person. You need someone who can show their feelings for you. That makes a relation ship  really intimate."

" I enjoyed having sex whit him. But you right there was no intimacy. But It was my fault too. I cheated on him many times. I know he did too after I started but It was mostly my fault. I whis i wasnt fucked up."  The singer shighed.

"Freddie we are all fucked up. Everyone has a time in their lives they want to change.
You have one too . But Its not you anymore.
You changed a lot. Since that fucking Prenter guy left."
Freddie felt sick hearing this name.

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