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It had been two weeks that I had been stuck in the warehouse... I think. The guy seemed agitated, more than usual, he seems much angrier and aggressive. 'They must be getting close to finding me' I thought to my self. For the past few days he had been abusive, nothing too sever, he would burn his cigarettes out on my skin, usually my arms and neck. It was painful, but nothing too bad. 

The tall man walked in, but this time he didn't have his hat and face covering. I could see him, I recognized. he was the husband of a patient of mine a few weeks before.

Ava: *in shock* You

Kidnapper: Ah, so you recognize me then. you know who I am. who my wife was 

Ava: Sir, I am so sorry that I could not save your wife. I tried my best, but-

Kidnapper: BUT YOUR BEST WAS NOT ENOUGH! you killed the love of my life, the woman that i thought i would spent the rest of my living days with. You! YOU killed her!

and the man spoke he walked off to the back wall, out of my site. I heard a bang, like he was tearing something off the wall, something metal. when he walked back and i could see him, i saw that he was holding a metal pipe. A heavy metal pipe. He started to hit me in the abdomen. he hit me with the pipe as he spoke

Kidnapper: YOU! *thud* YOU *thud* KILLED! *thud* HER!  

I screamed in pain. louder and louder each time he wacked the metal piping to my stomach. He did so about a dozen times. Before he left he through the metal pipe onto the ground. After he left I rolled onto my side, gasping for air and whimpering. a few moments later, I could not take the pain anymore, I felt my eyelids get heavy and everything went black.

Connor POV

I hadn't watched the stream in a day or two, not because I didn't want to but I was just too busy with work. I had so many surgeries to get done. I finally got my last scheduled surgery done, it went well. I walked into the doctor's lounge and began to make myself some coffee when Will walked in

Connor: Hey, are you doing?

Will: uh, yeah I'm good. I was more concerned about how you are 

Connor: Me? I'm fine, Jay says that Ava's investigation is going well, so I'm optimistic. Why?

Will: because of what happed to Ava, on the stream? have you not seen anything I the past hour?

Connor: um no, no I haven't watched in in a little bit. Why? what happened?

Will pulled out his phone and showed me a clip from the stream of Ava from a couple hours ago when I was in surgery. The man was hitting her, he was screaming and crying out. my face dropped. After a minute or two, the guy left and Ava was lying unconscious. I couldn't tell if she was alive or not. I gave Will had phone back and rushed out of the ED and ran to my car to make my way to the Police Department. But then I got paged, I was reluctant and didn't know what to do. Do I ignore it and go to see Jay? or do I do my job? after  second of thinking I decided to go back and do the surgery as it said it was urgent. I told myself that Ava had a whole team of detectives on her case, but there where no available surgent to help the patient. 

About 2 or 3 hours past and I was still in surgery, the procedure was taking longer than it should have. My mind was full of thought, 'what if Ava was dead?' 'what if she thinks I abandoned her?' to make myself feel better I told myself that she had no idea that anyone was watching her so there was no way that she would know that he decided to do the emergency surgery instead of going to PD. I blocked all those thoughts and pushed through the procedure. 

An hour later and I was done with the surgery. I hurried out of MED, making sure to clear my schedule so that I was not unexpectedly paged again. I got in my car and raced down to the police department. On my way, I sent Jay a message to tell that I was on my way so he knew to expect me.

When I got here, Jay was already waiting for me at the front door. He took me to his desk and started to list the things that they knew so far.

Jay: Okay, so we now know for sure who the Ava's kidnapper, his name is Thomas Greenwood. As I told you last week, his late wife was Dr Bekker's patient a few weeks ago. we also may have a lead on the location of Dr Bekker at the moment. 

Connor: Okay, go on...

Jay: we got an anonymous tip from someone, saying that he noticed shimmers though a window on the live steam of Dr Bekker and they believed that it looked like one of the abandoned warehouses by the river front a few miles away.

Connor: great! why aren't yous going there now?! we need to go get her!

Jay: You just need to be patient Connor. we don't know for sure that it is were Ava is being held, we just need to hold off until we know that that is 100% the right place.

Connor: Okay, but as soon as you know, you call me right?

Jay: yep, got it

Connor: And when yous do find her, you will need a doctor to come with you to access her condition. that doctor will be me!

Jay: yeah, I was going to ask you to join us anyways, I think Ava will need a friend when she gets out. But I will call you and let you know as soon as we know anything.

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