Escape Plan

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I began to come around after the beating. 'Ouch, my stomach hurts so much' I thought in my head as I grunted and placed my hands on my abdomen and my side. I tried to get up, but I couldn't, the pain was far to much, especially when I tensed my muscles. 'I need to get out of her. why has no one found me yet? does Connor even care? ugh I don't even know anymore' 

I kept wishing that I would die. Just die and then all this would be over. I was beginning to loose all hope of ever seeing anyone I knew ever again, My friends and my family. He walked in a few times, stated at me, laughed and walked out. I kind of felt bad for him, I mean I never 'killed' his wife but he must have felt so lonely. He must have had some mental health issues, maybe extreme depression or something like that. 

I needed to get out, I needed to escape. I started to think of ways to get out in my head when I looked at the door and saw that it was left slightly open, I could see a tiny slither of light through the opening of the door. 

Connor POV

Jay had called me down to the Police Department, he said he had a major breakthrough on the case. 

Jay: Hey! 

Connor: Hi, so what was the breakthrough?

I asked eagerly 

Jay: Right, so we are pretty sure know where she is! we did some intense research on those warehouses by the river front that came from the anonymous tip, and it was definitely promising

Connor: Was? what do you mean 'was'?

Jay: Well, we don't know what happened, The kidnapper must have accidently turned on the locating on his phone, because we were able to track the location of the livestream and sure enough, it was at the warehouses.

Connor: oh my god! that's amazing! Okay, so when do we leave?

Jay: Right now.

Connor: Right now?!

Jay: Yep, Right now, Connor. The whole team are getting ready to leave, we should be ready in just a few minutes. We have an ambulance waiting for us outside that will follow us. You will be ridding with me and then will accompany Ava in the ambulance when we are on our way back to the Emergency Department. You got that all?

Connor: Yep, lets go!

We got into the car and made our way there, to Ava. I couldn't believe that we were actually going to get her and to arrest that son of a bitch that took her. I couldn't wait to see her in person again, it felt like years since I last saw he. I couldn't wait to tell her that I was sorry, to tell her that I loved her so so much. The drive there felt like it lasted forever, it was only about 30 minutes but seemed so much longer. 


I couldn't stand up, so I had to drag myself across the ground to get to the door, every inch was so painful. Suddenly I heard cars outside, they found me! in was going to get out, I was going to be okay. 

Connor POV

We pulled up outside the Warehouses, there were so many

Connor: Do we know which one she is being held in?

Jay: Nope, we just need to look around them all until we find her, the kidnapper or something suspicious.

We started to investigate all the warehouses and searched for Ava. One after the other and we found nothing. We started walking to the last one, she must have been in that one.

Ava POV 

I got closer and closer to the door, I could almost touch it. But then I felt someone grab my foot and pull me back, it was him. I fought so hard to free myself from his grip, I kicked him hard and he fell onto his back, I quickly scurried away from him, still unable to stand so I continued to drag my self towards the door, but this time much faster. I didn't even hear his get up, but he did. I didn't even know her had a gun, but he did. He shot me, in my back. I still tried to make my way to the door, but I lost all my strength, my whole body landed on the ground. 

Connor POV

We were walking towards the last warehouse, when we heard a struggle coming from the warehouse. We picked up our pace but when we got about a foot away from the door, we heard a bang. a gunshot. I was in shock for a second but when I came back to my senses I ran to the door. I bolted into the warehouse and looked around, I didn't see anything at first, but then in the far corner, near the back door, I saw Ava lying on the ground with her arms stretched in front of her like she tried to get away. He was standing over her still pointing his gun at her, when she saw me, Jay and all the others, he ran out the back door. Jay and the team went after him while I ran to Ava.

Connor: AVA! 

I knew she was alive because I could here her whimpering and breathing heavily 

Ava: Connor?

she said very lightly 

Connor: It's okay, I'm here. Your gonna be okay, just stay with me okay

I assessed her wounds and began to treat her before getting her on the gurney. while i was packing the gunshot wound she started to close her eyes.

Connor: No No No No, Ava?! Ava stay with me!


when I heard Connor call my name, I felt so much relief. He was here and he cared. While be was packing the GSW to my back, I felt my eyelids get heavy. I began to feel extremely weak and my hearing started to fade. And then pitch black.

~x Thank You So Much For Reading x~

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