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Connor: No no no no! AVA! ava stay with me!

Connor and the paramedics got Ava stabilized and into the ambulance and made there way to the ED. When they arrived, the hurried Ava into the ED and quickly met with Natalie and Monique.

Natalie: Talk to me Connor

Connor: Female, Ava Bekker, Age 28. One GSW to the back, bullet went through and through, Multiple suspected broken ribs. Was Conscious on arrival but lost consciousness just before we got her in the ambo. Bp 90 over 60.

Natalie: Get her hooked up to the monitor, Monigue. Okay, lets get her into trauma room 4. Right, first off all lets stitch and dress the GSW and we will go from there

Natalie and Connor both worked together, stopped the bleeding from the gun shot wound, put in stitches and added a dressing. they then started on the rest of her wounds.

Natalie: Right, get her started on saline, she is severely dehydrated. Also get and X-Ray to access broken ribs and an ultrasound to took for internal bleeding.

Monique got the X-Ray prepared 

Connor: Okay, Clear!

Natalie: Yep, I see about 4 broken ribs. The left side is whited out, hemothorax, lets get a chest tube in stat!

Connor got the chest tube. He made the incision, he put the chest tube in and as soon as he did, blood instantly gushed out of Ava's lung. The blood got all over Connor who hadn't even had changed into scrubs yet. He went to the doctors lounge to get his spare scrubs out of his locker and change into them. While he was away, Natalie continued to work on Ava.

Natalie: Okay, lets get an ultrasound. 

Monique passed Natalie the ultrasound probe. Natalie took it and put the gel onto Ava's stomach and proceeded to begin the ultrasound looking for internal bleeding or liquid in Ava's belly. It look a few seconds of searching but she eventually found the result.

Natalie: Yeah there we go, there is a lot of free fluid in her abdomen it must be blood... Ah, yes her spleen had a tear in it and looks like it is about to rupture, We need to get her up to the OR now!

Connor walked back into Ava's trauma room to see Natalie and Monique getting ready to leave the room with Ava, but he didn't know where they were going to take her.

Connor: What's going on? where is she going?

Natalie: her spleen has ruptured and is bleeding into her abdomen, we have paged the OR and are taking her up to surgery.

Connor: Okay, I'll come with you and scrub in

Natalie: okay lets go

Natalie and Connor were about to leave the trauma room to go up to the OR but as soon as they took the brakes off Ava's bed, all the alarms interrupted began to go off. Natalie had a look of panic come over her face



Connor began to do compressions, Monique started bagging and Natalie got the charge paddles ready.

Connor: Charge to 200

Natalie: Charging, Shocking... Clear! *SHOCK* Nothing

Connor: Charge again to 250

They continued to do chest compressions and shock Ava for half an hour

Natalie: Connor... Connor it's been 30 minutes

Connor ignored Natalie and still did chest compressions on Ava

Connor: Charge again. CHARGE AGAIN!

when no one shocked Ava, Connor grabbed the paddles from Natalie's hands and charged them himself. But again it had no affect on Ava's condition

Natalie: Connor, she's gone. I'm so sorry

Connor: DANM IT

He ripped his rubber gloves of his hands, through them in the bin and stormed out the room, heading outside.

Natalie: Monique, can you please page the morgue

Monique: Yep, I'm on it

Natalie: Time of death- 

she heard a steady beep coming from Ava's monitor which she was still hooked up to 

Natalie: Wait! Wait, that's.... That's sinus rhythm. She- She's back. She is alive. she is fighting, She wants to live!

Monique: Oh My God! I have never seen that before

Natalie: It is very very rare, but it does happen. Well then, lets get her up to the OR to sort out that bleed. Page Connor and let him now 

They tried to page Connor but he was not answering his pager and no one could find him, so they had to take Ava into surgery without him.

After Will's shift was finished, he went up to the OR to check how Ava's procedure was going

Will: Hey Nat, how is she?

Natalie: She is stable and the surgery is going well, we should be done in about an hour give or take. Oh, have you seen Connor anywhere?

Will: You mean her isn't here? Does her know?

Natalie: Nope, he stormed off just before we got her back. Do you think you could look for him?

Will: Yeah, I think I know where he'll be.

Will left the ED and drove to Molly's. He got out his car and walked into the bar. He looked around for a moment and then is eye landed on Connor, Sitting at the bar and looked like he had already had a good few drinks. Will walked up to the bartender

Will: Hey man, how much has he had?

Bartender: I don't know, he was here when i started my shift 20 minutes ago but since I've been here, he's had about 3 or 4 rounds

Will: Okay bud, lets get you home

Will was going to tell Connor that Ava was alive while he drove him home but Connor fell asleep in the car. when they got in Connor's apartment, Will helped Connor stumble to the couch. Connor sat down and put his hands in his face.

Will: I know it's been a rough day and you've gone through so much already but-

Connor: NO. No you don't! The love of my life is dead! she's dead

Will put his hand on Connor's shoulder 

Will: Connor, Ava is alive

Connor looked up in shock

Connor: what. she... she's alive?

Will: She isn't dead, She's alive. they took her to surgery to stop the internal bleeding. she's going to be okay

~x Thank You So Much For Reading x~

:( Now I have Maths homework to do..... so fun :(

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