Coming Home

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After 2 weeks in recovery I was finally discharged from hospital. I was standing beside my bed with my suitcase on the hospital bed while I was packing. I was so happy to finally be going home, I felt like I hadn't slept in my own bed for so long and I couldn't wait to sit on my couch, order my favorite take away meal and watch Netflix all night. I was still technically in recovery so I was not signed off to go back to work yet, which I WAS NOT AT ALL happy about.

While I was packing my things, Connor walked in to say hello, he was in the middle of a 12 hour shift and was on his break.

Ava: Hey

Connor: Hey *smile*

Ava: What are you so happy about?

Connor: well first of all, my girl is finally getting out of this place-

Ava: Not for long though, I am still a doctor you know *laughs*

Connor: Well yeah of course, and secondly I was supposed to be on call tonight but I got one of the others to cover for me, so I can be with you when you leave 

Ava: You don't need to do that you know

Connor: Ava, yes Do. You went through I really traumatic experience, I know you don't want to admit it but you are going to need some support

Ava: Are you saying that I'm weak and need you to protect me?

Connor: No Ava, you know that's not what I meant

Ava: Well then what exactly did you mean? Huh? because it sure sounded like that was what you were saying. If you really think that I'm that pathetic then just go and get back to whatever the heck you were doing.

Connor POV

She didn't mean any of what she was saying, I have seen this kind of behavior time and time again with other patients who had gone through similar situations to Ava's. she just needed some time and space, so I felt her alone to pack the rest of her things and got back to my shift. '12 hours, this is gonna be a long one, I can just feel it' I thought to myself. I couldn't wait to get home with Ava and just relax.

I walked into the ER to see if there was anything I could do since I had no surgeries to do. I headed over to Maggie to ask if anyone needed help

Connor: Hey Maggie, Do you know if anyone needs a cardio consult or just any help in general, I'm free

Maggie: At the moment, no I don't think so

Connor: Oh ok

Maggie: Why don't you go up and see Ava, Isn't she getting discharged today?

Connor: Yeah she is, but I'm just giving her a little break

Will: Oh what have you done?

Connor: I didn't do anything, She just needs some time, I mean I will be staying with here at her place until she get's 100%

Maggie: Ok sure

Will: Anyways, Connor can I have you for a consult real quick

Connor: Yeah sure

Will took me to a treatment room and there was a teenage girl with chest pain. I went through her records and found no explanation for the pain, I was stumped. Then her EKG results came back.

Connor: Hello Mrs Johnsten, Your daughters results just came in and they show that Lilly is suffering from a heart attack  

Lilly: What?!

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