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I woke up in my hospital room. It was quiet and peaceful. I felt safe, for the past 2 weeks I had been living in fear, wondering when he would just put me out of my misery. It was like I had a new chance at life. 

Then, i felt a shark pain in my back, coming from where I was shot. I called for Natalie and she upped my dose of morphine. After that the pain slowly began to fade. I must have forgotten that Connor was in the OR for an emergency valve replacement and I decided to call him

Phone: Ring, Ring... Ring, Ring... Ring, Ring... Hi this is  Doctor Connor Rhodes, I'm sorry I cant come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll call you back when i can. *beep*

Ava(Drowsy Voice): Hey Con Con... I just wanted to call to say ello, but I guess you must be in surgery. Damn that smarty pants brain of yours... and your steady hands... hehe. *Natalie walks in* OHH hi Nat! oops, or should I call you Dr Manning? *She Giggles*

Natalie: No you can just call me Nat, that's just fine

Ava(Drowsy Voice): Sure, sure.... so are you here to give me more drugs??? *Large Grin*

Natalie: Again, No. I think you've had enough *Chuckle* 

Ava(Drowsy Voice): Oh. OH! Say hi to Connor! *She holds the phone up*

Natalie: *Laughs* Hi Connor. Anyways Ava, your vitals look good and your wound his healing very nicely. I'll come back later to check on you. *leaves room*

Ava(Drowsy Voice): Cool, So I should probably go now, I'm just so so busy at the moment *yawns* K bye, Ek is lief vir jou *hangs up*

Connor POV

I got out of surgery after about 2 hours. I walked into the locker room to change into my normal clothes and collect my things. When I was packing all my things into my bag, I picked up my phone and noticed a voicemail notification from Ava. I put my things down and sat on the bench to listen to it.

*Voicemail plays*

After the voicemail ended I smiled and chuckled to myself. But I had no idea what the last thing she said was, it must have been in the language she spoke back in south Africa. I laughed it off and headed to the computers in the staff lounge to type up my surgical notes.

After I finished up my surgical notes, I headed back down to Ava's room to visit her before I went home. I knocked on the door and opened it to find Ava sleeping, she looked so peaceful. I looked at her chart to check when her last dose was and she enough she got her last dose of pain killers about 10 minutes before she made the voicemail. While I was flicking through her chart papers I heard her start to wake up.

Ava: Oh hey

Connor: Hey!

Ava: How did your surgery go

Connor: Yeah it was good, it all went smoothly and there were no complications 

Ava: Well that's new *laughs*

Connor: Excuse me *laughs* But anyway, after I got out I found that I had a voicemail on my phone

Ava: Okay??? Good for you I guess

Connor: Well... it was from you 

Ava: Connor I did not even call you 

Connor: Oh okay, so this isn't you? *Voicemail Plays*

Ava: *eyes wide open, shocked* ... oooh, okay, well then, oops *awkward giggle*

Connor: Yeah *laughs* But what does that last but even mean?

Ava: Weeelllll, Ek is lief vir jou... um... It's Afrikaans, It means... uhh it means I Love You

Connor: Oh it does does it? *Widely Smiles*

Ava: *Starts to go Red* hahaha

I stood um and sat on her bad next to her and lightly kissed her as I said,

Connor: Well then, Ek is lief vir jou

Ava: Oh God that was such a bad accent 

Connor: Hey I've never tried to talk in Afrikaans 

Ava: It's okay I can teach you

We both chuckled and kissed her again

I said goodbye to Ava and went home. I heated up a microwave dinner, ate, had a shower and then got into bed. I ley there with the biggest smile on my head. I was so happy, I still couldn't believe that she was actually alive and she was mine. I went to bed and for the first time in weeks I slept well, while Ava was missing I barely slept and when she was found I did sleep a little better but I was still terrified that there would be some massive complication and something would go wrong, but now that I new she was going to be okay and that she would be discharged soon, I slept like a baby.

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