Chapter two

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4 years later.....

Lyssa's pov

I stepped out of my new jeep my mother and father bought me for a welcome home pressant. Who knew they would miss me the 4 years I was away? Not me anyways.

My friends stand beside me and we all look at the school in front of us.

"Wow this is your old school lys?" Mark whistled in appreciation. 

"Yep this is it" I answered him, not taking my eyes from the giant building In front of us.

The last time I was here I had my heart broken. I wonder what it'll be like this time around? 

"Kinda sucks your patents brought you back JUST for senior year though" Abby said, distaste clear in her voice. she never liked my parents.

"Yeah I know, thanks for coming with me you guys" I smiled at all my best-friends that are standing next to me.

"No problem lys, we kinda needed to come with you anyways, can't leave our baby all on her own" Riley pinched my cheeks, I swotted his hand away.

We all take in a deep breath to smell the air and walk into my old/new school.

Let the fun begin....

Jakes pov

I walked slowly towards my second class of the day. I was too busy in the janitors closet to go to my first.

"Did you see them? Who do they think they are"

"I heard they are satin worshipers"

"They are kinda scary"

Hmm I wonder who they are talking about?

"Jake how nice of you to join us" Mr. Peers said as I walked into the class.

"Sorry I'm late sir was busy" I answer back winking at the class.

A few girls giggle at that. I started making my way to my seat when I stop halfway there. There is someone sitting at my desk along with a few surrounding them. New kids at school? This must be the people everyone is talking about. The one sitting at my chair is a tall looking muscular boy with dyed black spiky hair and his lip pierced, he wore a smirk on his face as I approach him.

"You're in my seat" I said trying to be polite.

He smirked again looking to his left then his right at his friends, I follow his gaze to his right where a small girl was sitting she had blond hair and was also smirking. Beside her sat another guy he also had blond hair and was built like the first guy but he has tattoos dominating his arms. Looking back at the first guy I look to his other side where the breath is knocked out of my lungs.


She's back? But when? How? She had been gone for 4 years and she's back now? she looks so different. her once long Blond hair is now dyed dark brown and cut to her shoulders, she had her eyebrow pierced but her eyes are what I notice. They are the darkest shade of blue I have ever seen. must be contacts. no ones eyes change colour. But she looks beautiful and happy. My eyes flick to dale sitting on her right side and then back to her again. Her dark eyes pierce through me, like she is looking straight through me.

"JAKE!" Someone shouted knocking me out of my trance.

"Jake sit here with me" Tiffany said pulling at my hand.

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