3# Found

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Sahadeva gazed at the plate front of him and Vijayaa at intervals slowly so as to not get caught

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Sahadeva gazed at the plate front of him and Vijayaa at intervals slowly so as to not get caught. Well , he could not make out much but knew anger ruled her this moment and loads of food made way to his plate. He tried couple of times trying to stop yet it was at her will.

Sahadeva gulped looking at a tiny food store in front of him. How would he finish this up ? He gave a soft smile to Shalya and Dyuyimat who were having their meal.

Vijayaa simply left the room without a look behind.

Sahadeva walked out slowly , damn he never had so much food in his life

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Sahadeva walked out slowly , damn he never had so much food in his life. How does Bhrata Bhima even have so much ? He did to that extent this day. He found her decking up the sill with tiny saplings.

" What was that inside ? " , Sahadeva questioned , a bit annoyed.

" Why ? " , Vijaya turned to him murderous , " You robbed my sleep and left me tossing on the bed the entire night".

Vijayaa walked away like a tumultuous force leaving Sahadeva in astonishment. Did he just hear right ? He was accused of stealing her sleep ?

Vijayaa huffed. All that tiny little moments of yesterday flashed before her sight as she went to bed last night. Those talks , his hold and that touch of his skin on her hands...it drove her unknowing to unknown lands that put her restless.

" Well , Deva how was the food ? " , Nakula walked standing beside Sahadeva. He got a good note of the food being served to Sahadeva and had to suppress his laughter badly.

" What ? " , Sahadeva turned to him and he could read that Nakula would burst into laughter any time , " Laugh , laugh who stopped you ". Nakula could not hold his laughter anymore and ended in shoals of giggles.

" Very funny ,right ?" , Sahadeva smacked him as Nakula tried to get the rein of his control.

" What happened ? " , Nakula asked. " I have no clue " , Sahadeva turned thoughtful. It was just books , stars and kid yesterday. Don't remind his sleepless night and the morning meal , this dawn too.

" Nice loop you are caught in , all the best " , Nakula teased as Sahadeva glared at him. " I wish you come across such a person in your life soon " , Sahadeva stormed from the place.

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