1# Dark

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A/ N : Past is separated by dividers and I have highlighted the first word

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A/ N : Past is separated by dividers and I have highlighted the first word. 



Arjun no longer was fascinated by the sounds of weapons. That greatest of war took with it the music of his life. A bow in his hand used to be one of most loved times of his. A companion of his that was envied by even his soulmates. But now it felt like hot burning coal on his hand , the same medium that had taken millions of lives. Bathed in blood of his own people and he resorted to staying away from training grounds whenever possible owing that it can't be fully pushed away , for he was still the Senapati. 

He pushed the bronze doors of the chambers and closed it behind his back the next second. Pitch dark covering the room yet he knew where his veena was kept. Back then , he used to play his heart's joy drawing hearts but these days it was his soul cry plastered with fury of his faults. 

Weapon , he had got several divine one's in his lifetime. He considered every weapon coming down his way to be a blessing and was happy about the fact that he was trusted to have them with him. He was clear with it , divine weapons weren't a symbol of pride but huge responsibility. It could save or destroy lives and he always stuck to the former. But the war had turned him. 

The days of war , he had no clue where he was lost. Everyone did lose some of their own self during that time but he was concerned more about him. He turned into a man , he had no trace of in his wildest dreams. He was blessed to hear Geeta but he was a mortal and he was blown away too. 

He could have helped Dhristadyumna and Satyaki to gain victory over Drona. But the student instincts came in between. The way he had spoke to Yudhisthira , it took him several days to overcome it. Heat of the moment , both had lost their senses but he blamed himself for such  ruthless words. He made cuts but he was the one who bled and the same was from the other side too he knew. 

His hands ran over the strings of Veena. It reminded him of her , his queen who had laid her life down for him. Those happy memories first flooded him. 

It was one of those evenings back in Indraprastha

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It was one of those evenings back in Indraprastha. The days in which their love blossomed to new heights. 

" Swami , you are cute just like a baby " , Subhadra teased him and he wanted to show her who the baby was. 

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