Yudhisthira - Devika | My everlasting lighthouse

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Princess of Shivi. Administration is a skill that comes with ease. A sword herself trained by Krishna. Painter by choice and loves someone beyond hell and heaven. But when it's a question of the love being reciprocated , she is looped into a confusion only until she finds her hands on few yellowing pages of a book that turns her world. 



Eldest of Pandavas , King of Indraprastha , the heir that Kuru clan takes pride on. Titles hanged boundless ; Ajatashatru , Dharmaraja , Dharmaputra , JyestKaunteya...The list went long but deep buried was a simple man who was bound to not make a choice for himself. Remained clutched to royal ethics which freed him from every joy one would cherish at that point of life. When those deep hidden words spill on paper , it is nothing poetic yet beyond heart. With already risked heart , it is the first choice he gets to make. A one that posed a life threat too. 

A story of a kind , a writer and his muse. Of , Yudhisthira and Devika. 


The story is quite different from ones I have written until now. Deeply passionate and I reserve copyrights for the entire idea. 

No scripture mentions he was a writer. This entire plot solely belongs to me. I couldn't wait to pen this down and hence my golden daffodil will be on hold for a while until I complete. 

Please do drop your votes and comments ! 

Thanks and Love , 



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