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Still On Aqsa

Aqsa?", I looked up to find Iman and Nuriyyah.

He had asked her if he could talk to her somewhere else, after which they were gone for 2 hours.

I couldn't care less though.

Nuriyyah bent down to my eye level and took my hands in hers.

"I'm so sorry Aq. Iman here told me about all you've done for my sister. I'm really sorry I hit you. I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. I was blinded by rage."

I gazed up to find Iman's eyes fixed on me, concern laced in them before he quickly lowered his gaze, his ears reddening.

" Um I guess I'll give you both some privacy. Will be in the general waiting room if you need anything."

"No please. You've done more than enough today Iman. I think you should go home and get some rest."

He was ready to retort when Nuriyyah cut in,"You heard the woman. Your eyes seem like they could use some closure."

His lips quirked up in a small smile,"Am I sensing some family gang up?"

Nuriyyah and I rolled our eyes,"Call it whatever you want man. You ain't made of wood yunno."

He raised his hands in surrender,"Fine then. You girls won this one."

I smiled for the first time this evening.
"Give me a call as soon as the doctors get out of that room okay?"

Nuriyyah nodded,"Yes boss. Now shoo."

He was almost at the exit door when I called out his name.
"Thank you",I mouthed.
He nodded in mock salute before leaving.

I stared at the door where he exited for some minutes before my dear cousin snapped me out of my trance.

She literally snapped me out of it as her fingers kept making an annoying snapping sound in front of my face before I recovered.

"Sheesh what are you?? My new nemesis??", I glared at her.

She grinned as she sat beside me, hands on chin.

"Am I sensing some chemistry in the air??"

"No. No chemistry. Just physics."

She awwed,"Come on Aq. Fill me innnnnn! Else I'd go crazy worrying about Duriyyah and barge into that room."

I sighed.
We sure could use some distraction.

"He's my boss'son."

She sat closer.

"And what??"

"Seriously girl. That dude literally downloaded your whole life's history with my sis some hours back. He's your boss' son. I know. What's between you two?? Are you engaged or something?? Orrrrr did he show interest in you and you turned him down??",she wiggled her brows.

I smacked my face tiredly.
Not me thinking Tish was annoying when it came to teasing me.
Her sister was worse!

"No, no, and nothing. We happened to be in the same elevator one morning on my way to the CEO'S office. The CEO 'who happens to be his father'. I was deep in thoughts worried about Ti-sorry Duriyyah, I didn't hear him asking whether I was alright. One word led to a sentence and the next hour saw me opening up to a stranger. Would you believe it Nur?? I poured out my whole life's problems to a STRANGER."

She shrugged,"Technically....he wasn't a stranger. Just an acquaintance whose identity you didn't know yet. Oya continue."

"Continue what? I've finished nau. We met, we talked, we became friends. End of story."

She pouted,"So you'll leave out the whole chemistry stuff?"

I kissed my teeth with seeth,"He just left. There's still time to go and ask him."

She chuckled,"Easy tiger pants. Just pulling your legs."

"I'll soon pull your ears don't worr...that reminds me. What were you doing at my apartment earlier this afternoon?"

Her face fell,"Oh that. I was in the neighborhood when I remembered you said you stayed around there. I saved your address the other night at the party so I thought it would be nice to pay you a visit. I was knocking at the door when Duriyyah's moans of agony filtered through the door. I knocked on the other apartment door to see if your neighbors were around but no one answered the door. I tried to pick the lock of your door's apartment because I thought the screams and sounds were coming from you but man, your door's security system is topnotch."

I smiled," Breaking into a software engineer's house ain't no easy job b."

She rolled her eyes,"Whatever. The screams were getting louder so I had no choice than to break the door... don't ask me how."

I sobered,"I know how shocked you must have been seeing your long lost sister on the floor in a pool of blood."

She shuddered,"Trust me. I'd have nightmares with it."

The solemn mood was back as I pulled her to a hug.

"I didn't tell you the truth that night because I had a feeling the person responsible for her disappearance was still very much around."

She nodded,"Iman told me. I'm really sorry about my outburst Aqsa. I owe you a lot. My family is indebted to you."

I protested,"I'm family. Besides she was my best friend. So whether I had discovered her true identity or not, I would have done the same not withstanding. For now, we keep her existence a secret from your parents."

She nodded as she placed her hands in mine warmly, "I'm with you on this. You're not alone anylonger."


We looked up to find one of the doctors who had been in the emergency room with her for the operation.

We both stood up immediately and ran over to her.

"Yes doctor. How is she??", we asked in unison.

She smiled.
And in that moment I just knew everything would be alright.

"Congratulations you two. The surgery was a success likewise the delivery. You've got a really strong sister. You are now aunts to a set of bouncing baby twins!"

I blinked.

"I'm sorry doc. did you just say TWINS??!", Nuriyyah took the words right out of my mouth.

The woman nodded with a grin,"Yes. A boy and a girl. They're both healthy and safe."

Whatever happened to a single baby!!

"My cousin. What about my cousin doctor? You said she was strong but you didn't say anything about her being alright at the end of the day."

She hesitated.
Then broke into a wide grin.
"Alhamdulillah your cousin is also safe and alive. Mabrook (Congratulations)."

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
The chair received my weight as I fell on it.

Nuriyyah went into a state of Sajda(Prostration) and I joined her as soon as my mind righted itself.

Perhaps this trial was indeed coming to an end.

Who feels the sisterly love in the atmosphere??😭😭😭♥️♥️

Don't forget to show that star some love!🙂🌹

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