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Aqsa's POV

I stood on the terrace in Tisha's family house, deep in thought. We were having a sort of get together party to celebrate our victory over all the madness that had occurred in our lives.
Tish was discharged from the hospital two days back and although still weak, her mouth was starting to run like that of a typewriter once again.

Feels good seeing my best friend look alive and at peace like old times.

She still hadn't spoken to Mus'ab though. Poor guy.
Trying everything he could to make her forgive him. I wasn't going to beg for him though. That was one thing I was sure of.

It's their marriage.
And I've kinda meddled in it enough.

I knew she would come around soon enough, afterall she was still in love with him.
She just hadn't realized it yet.
Or perhaps she had, but couldn't bring herself to just accepting him back like that.

Mus'ab revealed he couldn't bring himself to sign those divorce papers even after it came back to him with her "signature" on it.

So all things good, they were still very much married...

"Beautiful night isn't it?", I heard a voice interrupt my train of thoughts.

Turning around, I found Iman leaning against the inner door that led to the terrace, hands buried in front pockets.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?"

He grinned,"For the record, I actually am."

"I don't understand."

Taking a few steps forward, he stopped 4 feet near me,"I'm on a mission Agent Aq. On a mission to woo you, get the permission of your father, and whisk you off to an island forever."

I smirked,"When did you get so cheesy Iman?"

"The moment I realized I had a lot of your protective layers to peel away."

I folded my arms with a lazy grin, I liked where this was going.

"And I thought I told you I wasn't interested in marrying you for real?"

He folded his arms too and raised his brows,"And I thought I told you I never back down from a mission?"

I raised my hands then dropped them back,"You're delusional if you think I like you enough to fall for you Iman."

The playful atmosphere changed.

"Your eyes tell a different story Aqsa. You've never actually let anyone in deep enough for them to realize you're yearning to be loved deeply. Let me the the first and only person. I know you're used to being the one caring for everyone Aqsa. But not anymore, here I am offering my devotion and love to you."

He paused,"I understand if you still don't want to accept my proposal. Just remember I'll always be here whenever you're ready."

He turned to leave.

I so badly wanted to call him back but my stupid pride wouldn't let me.

Instead, I chose to sink my body to the floor against the wall and cry my heart out.
Don't ask me why I was crying.
I don't even know why.

The tickle of a cloth against my skin made me look up. Iman was holding out a handkerchief.

Taking it in my hands,I cleaned my face.

He smiled softly and turned to leave.

I wasn't having any of it anymore.
To hell with pride.

"Iman", I called out.

He turned back with a hopeful voice,"Yes?"

I gave a wide grin,"Let's get married."

4 months later
Tisha's POV

"Aneesah drop that!", I snapped at my 9 months old daughter battling with a snail she found in the graden.

"Anees come on it's time for dinner.", Nuriyyah cooed as Anees walked unsteadily towards her.

Abdul-Malik picked him up and tickled him as he giggled endlessly.

Nuriyyah picked Aneesah up too and went upstairs to freshen her up.

I sighed as I plopped down the couch. Boy taking care of two children wasn't an easy one. My family really helped me out A LOT and they were still helping out.

I was staying at my parents due to dad's request while Nur came to visit almost everyday.
I wonder if that lady ever keeps a stable job.

Aqsa got married to Iman two months back and true to his words, that duffer whisked my best friend off to an Island for the next one year.

Wahala for who no be newlywed.

Abdul-Malik would be getting married in a week's time while Nuriyyah dropped a hint of her interest in someone.

Who he was, she refused to reveal.
I chose not to pry further too because I knew I'd be the first person to know whenever she was ready to reveal him.

Everyone had moved on.
My kids were starting to speak one or two words.

Mus'ab visits every weekend to see them.

And this weekend, he was in for a surprise.
I'd had enough of being away from my husband.
My children deserved a happy home with both parents together.
Besides, I missed my husband.

He had been nothing but the best to me over the past few months and I was ready to get back with him.

My adopted parents never came looking for me, I tried to find them by going to their place but was told the woman had died not long ago of breast cancer while the man, my Abi', relocated to the United States.

I had my complete family back though.
Except for my mother.
I pray Allah SWT grants her eternal peace and Jannatul Firdaws.

My cousin and best friend was the real heroine of my story.
She was the one who had found me in the first place and stood by me through thick and thin.
We were bounded by heart already through blood even if we didn't know it earlier.

She was my hero.
And I was going to live my life to the fullest potential with as much impact on as many lives as possible, my children included.

Alhamdulillah for the sad days.
Alhamdulillah for the happy days.
Alhamdulillah for the trials and triumph.

Alhamdulillahi robbila'lameen for the remaining days I had left to spend on Earth.
My name is Duriyyah Tisha Abdul-Rahman, and this is my story.

Jazakhallahu Khairan to everyone who made a conscious effort to read, vote and comment🌹🌹🌹
Like I said, y'all are the real MVPs

Would go on a break for a while before bringing up a new spicier series😂❤️
I hope Bound By Heart had you at the edge of your seats fair enough!
Stay jiggy!

18th May, 2021
10th September, 2021



Adios mi cariños🥳🥳🥳
Pen down🥰

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