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Tisha's POV

I cried.
I cried for days on end.
I screamed for him at night and cried for myself during the day.

My mother didn't help matters.
My father?
He was on a business trip.

All she ever did was come in to my room, ask me when I was leaving her house as she couldn't stand having someone else's pregnant child in her house.

I didn't understand at first so I asked her what she meant by someone else's pregnant child.

She ignored my questions until one day when she suddenly barged into my room the third month after Mus'ab dropped me here.

"Ummi what's wrong? Why did you...", I couldn't finish my sentence as she dragged me up roughly.

"You're leaving this house today! My husband is coming back tomorrow and I wouldn't want him to meet you here."

I yanked myself from her grip.

"Your husband and my father", I pointed out.

She chuckled humourlessly.

"Whose father?? You must be mad if you think you are actually our child."

I staggered.

"What are you talking about??"

"I said you are not our child! You are a bastard. Why do you think I married you off??"

I stared at her.
"Grab a chair before you fall down. You'll need it."

I fell on my bed instead.

"Good. Now listen to me. Listen and listen good. 'Cus you're leaving my house for good and I want you to know why you are leaving."

Somewhere deep down I knew my life was never going to remain the same ever again and I had this huge urge to run away without hearing her out. Run somewhere far away and forget everything.
But I chose to stay and listen.

How worse could my life get anyway?

She began, "You were found on the streets when you were 15. You were lying in a gutter, beaten and battered when my husband and I found you. Lord knows I didn't want to pick you but he said insisted we couldn't leave you to die there. We took you to the nearest hospital and my husband ensured he kept coming back after the doctors saved your life. You were diagnosed with severe amnesia, with no memory at all. You didn't remember your name neither did you know where your family was."

I felt my insides trembling.
This wasn't happening.

If this was a nightmare, it was high time I woke up.

"Against my better judgement, my husband decided to adopt you. He gave you the name 'Tisha' meaning a lively person, which was what you were. With time, I started to consider you a daughter. That was until I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I felt you were the cause as you didn't really seem happy when the news of my pregnancy came through but when I had the miscarriage, you became happy again. Just imagine. I started to hate you. But I couldn't let my husband know. He told me God had a reason for everything that happened but I refused to take heart. I couldn't stand your presence in my home anymore which is why I blackmailed an old friend into getting her son to marry you. What I blackmailed her about is none of your business."

She took a deep breath.
"You are a stranger in this house and your time is up. Get up, get your things and leave my house."

I stayed still as I stared into a soul and all I saw was darkness.

How was I to tell her I was gaining bits of my memory back as at the time she got pregnant? I was battling with my own self and was truly happy for her but my eyes were too sad and distant, my mind filled with my own thoughts as to whether they were my real parents or the dreams I kept having were just fake.

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