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After putting the glasses on the side, she made her way back over to me. She adjusted her thong slightly and then straddled me.

"Mmm babe, you look so good" I spoke softly while still admiring her.

She didn't say anything but leant up and took her hair out of the ponytail, letting her beautiful, long, blonde hair fall down her back.

I couldn't help but acknowledge how good she looked when she stretched up to take her hair down. Her figure and stomach looked so good and toned by all the working out she does. Honestly, I might have to tie her up in a way that I could look at that for ages.

"Fuck baby, what are you doing to me?" I moaned and grabbed her by the waist.

She leant in and gently planted her lips onto mine. We locked and kissed. I moved my hands slowly down to her ass and firmly held them tight.

We were both moaning and slightly grinding into one another. It was safe to say that I was definitely turned on by now.

After a few minutes like this, she slowly pulled away from the kiss. We locked eye contact and just stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Wha... Why... What are you doing to me?" I was finding it a little difficult to string a sentence together.

She giggled at my pathetic try at speaking, "did you like that, sir?" She then asked.

"Of course I liked that, but I never told you to stop," I replied. I felt like I needed to get back into dominant mode. "Don't forget who's in charge here" I then said and grabbed the loop on her collar with my index finger and pulled her in again.

We kissed for a few more minutes until I decided it was time to get back to business. After all, I was on a time limit here and I had a few more things I wanted to do to her.

I gently pushed her away, "mmm, I think it's time to get you tied back up again" I said and leant over to grab a piece of rope. I grabbed one of the longer pieces. I gently took hold of her wrists and placed them together in front of her. She remained quiet and watched as I looped the rope around her wrists. I cinched them and tied it off tightly but still leaving a long bit of rope. "How does that feel ba-... slave?" I corrected myself and smirked.

She struggled slightly to test it out, "it feels good," she then paused for a second, "so what do I call you?" She asked.

I froze for a second, "hmm..." To be honest, I didn't even think of what she could call me. I've just been calling her my prisoner or slave because I know she likes it. "I think sir, or even better, master" I smirked again.

"Okay then... Master" she said and went to lean in and kiss me.

"Ah ah," I said while moving my head back and lightly pushing her back up, "I decide when we have kissy time. Now up you get" I then said and slapped her thighs.

She got up from my lap and remained standing in front of me, purely because I was holding the long bit of her wrist bindings so she couldn't go anywhere, even if she tried.

I got up from my chair and tugged on the rope, "follow me, slave" I said and made my way downstairs to the basement that came from the hallway.

As we were walking down the stairs, she asked, "so what are you going to do to me, sir?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I teased. Again, because I was just rolling with it to be honest.

I switched the light on that was at the bottom of the stairs and the basement slowly flickered to life.

Now our basement isn't the most interesting of things. All it has is a support pole with a few pipes going along the ceiling. There's a few boxes in there with God knows what inside of them and an old washing machine that we haven't got round to getting rid of yet. So as you probably have guessed, we don't use it very much, therefore what a perfect opportunity to put it into some use.

"Over here" I said while guiding her over so she was standing under one of the pipes going along the ceiling.

I was originally thinking I was going to tie her to the pole, but then I realised it wouldn't be any good for what I planned.

Without a word, I looked up and flung the remaining rope from her wrists and it went over the pipe. I gave it a pull and soon enough her arms slowly went up.

We were now both looking up and watching as I was pulling the rope. Her arms were lifted quite high up but not too much where it was stretching her. I still wanted her to be comfortable, but fuck did she look amazing like this. Like I said before, I wanted to get her in a position where her stomach looked nice and toned and boy did I crack the nail on the head with that one.

"How does that feel?" I asked as I was tying it off.

"It feels good, master" Isabelle replied.

"Mmm, good," I then leant in and pecked her on the lips. "Right, now stay here while I grab something."

"Yes, sir."

I quickly jogged up the stairs and up to our bedroom. I then went over to my draw and got the other pair to the long sports sock that I had used to gag Isabelle. I ran back down the stairs and back down the other stairs to the basement.

I kept the sock behind me and made my way behind her. Of course she was trying to have a peak at what I had gotten.

"What did you get, sir?" She asked.

I didn't reply but instead I grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it back, forcing her to look up. She gave out a little yelp, which soon turned into a moan. "I think you should stop asking questions" I whispered into her ear.

Isabelle nodded her head to let me know she was listening.

Still holding her head in place by her hair, I started to run my hand down her waist with my other hand, "you look so sexy tied up like this," I moaned as my hand reached her perfectly round ass, "I'm getting a little hot and bothered myself now" I then said and suddenly slapped her ass hard which caused her to yelp... And then moan again. I ran my hand back up her waist until I got to her breasts, "I want you so bad" I said and squeezed her right boob.

Isabelle let out another loud moan, "you can have me."

I honestly contemplated just untying her right then and there and taking her up to the bedroom, but I held back. After all, I just tied her in a position that I wanted her in, so let's play around with her for a bit.

"Not yet, slave, I still want to have my fun with you first" I replied and let go of her hair. I then gathered her hair together behind her back and made sure none of it was in her face. "Hmm, let's see," I muttered as I grabbed the sock from my back pocket, "well, I'll see but you might not."

Just after I had said that, I pulled the sock over her eyes and tied it behind her head. Isabelle let out a slight moan as I did this.

"Can you see anything?" I asked once I had tied it off.

"No, sir" she replied and shook her head.

I reached my hand out in front of her and held up four fingers, "how many fingers am I holding up?"

"Four" she confidently answered.

"Wait what? Seriously?" I questioned in shock and moved my head so I could see her face. Can she actually still see? I was so confused.

Isabelle started giggling, "was I right? That was a guess."

"Good! I thought you'd been given some sort of superpower or something" I joked while chuckling.

She giggled again and shook her head, "no, I genuinely can't see anything."

I took her word for it, "that's good, now let's have some fun."

Lovers in California: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now