Chapter 8

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Courtney got into her Uber. "Hello." She greeted and set her purse on the seat next to her. The driver grunted and the vehicle started moving. Courtney thought it was rude that he didn't give a proper response back.

"How are you today?" She pushed.

The driver glanced into the mirror to look at her. "I'm not great." was all he said, his gloomy brown eyes returning to the road a moment later.

Courtney rolled her eyes. The guy obviously didn't want to talk to her. But she didn't care. She had a lot of other things on her mind right now.

She was getting a lift to the library across campus. It wasn't far, but because of the fact that the cold weather suddenly turned into a blizzard, she called her Uber. She didn't want to walk around in the cold. The cold weather had already dampened her mood, and Duncan furthered it. The driver in an apparently very bad mood added onto it as well. Courtney tried to push the bad thoughts, remembering that she would be meeting Scott at the library.

When they finally got to the library, Courtney spoke up again. "Thanks for the lift."

She opened the door while the driver just grunted again.

"You know, you could be a little nicer to your customers." She snapped at him before she stepped out.

The driver looked back at her in the mirror again. "If you're a student in law school I'm sure you're more miserable than me. Mind your own business."

"Excuse me?" Courtney felt offended. "I am not miserable. I am about to graduate with a degree while you're making minimum wage driving a car around for people. I am very successful."

The driver scoffed. "Please get out of my car."

"I am going to leave you a bad review." Courtney promised.

"Try to consider other people's feelings."

Courtney scoffed. "You should be telling that to yourself."

"I just don't like people."

"Well then why do you drive people around all day?"

"Please just get out of my car."

Courtney was about to fight back again but she felt a touch on her shoulder. She whipped around to see Scott standing there. "Cmon Court."

"Get out of my car." The driver said again.

"Geez, fine." Courtney protested. Scott held his hand out to her and she took it when she stepped out of the car. She slammed the door as hard as she could and the car instantly sped off.

"Geez, some guy." Courtney groaned. "So rude."

Scott just shrugged and that was when Courtney realized she forgot her purse in the car. "Oh crap, I forgot my purse in the car!"

She and Scott started running after the car. Unfortunately, the car was way ahead of them, and the sidewalk was icy. Courtney instantly started slipping and grabbed onto Scott for support but only brought him down with her. They fell to the ground on top of each other. Courtney sat up, watching the car go further and further. "Crap," she muttered.

"You guys ok?" came a voice from behind them. Scott also sat up and they both turned around to see Lightning standing there in a gigantic winter coat. Great.

He held out his hand and helped Courtney up. Scott pushed himself up and brushed off his pants. "Thank you." Courtney said to Lightning. Then she remembered that the car still had her purse. "Shit!" She yelled, and almost started running again but realized she'd fall. They really needed to put some salt down.

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