Chapter 5

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Duncan dodged the bullet easily but ended up folding himself over a table. He crawled on top of it, grabbing the lamp hanging from the ceiling and throwing himself at Scott. Who shot again but terribly missed as Duncan came straight at him. The men tumbled to the floor and Courtney shot out of her chair not sure what to do.

The men were rolling all over the ground, while Duncan's genie tail was forming back. Courtney knew what to expect, the guys were just pulling each other's hair and tumbling over each other when Duncan screeched. Causing Scott to quickly get to his feet with a confused expression. Courtney looked to Scott and watched as his own genie tail formed with no hassle or pain

Scott is a genie too?

Duncan was struggling on the ground and Scott looked to Courtney coldly. As if he didn't even know her. "I didn't even touch him."

"What is going on..." Courtney asked Scott, who was watching Duncan. Scott then turned back to her with an almost animalistic expression

"Oh nothing, he just destroyed my life is all." Scott said simply. "It was under your command, so I'll get to you next." He held her gun in her face making her jump backwards away from him. As much as Courtney wanted to bolt and get the hell out of there she knew she couldn't leave her new friend behind.

Finally Duncan stopped struggling and lunged at Scott's tail, dragging him down. Courtney noticed how they were able to touch each other like they were in their own little world, while Duncan wasn't able to touch Courtney or anything while he was a genie. He was able to touch in real life transformed as a human but still had the genie qualities to him, such as floating through doors and dismissing hot beverages.

Scott had Duncan pinned down and yelled, "You aren't supposed to do things like this Duncan! You know the rules!"

"Well you know how I am," Duncan hissed back "It's hard being around people who do nothing but follow the rules."

"You're no genie," Scott cursed, slamming Duncan's cheek down into the floor. "Real genies don't cause hurt for fun."

"What are you doing now then?" Duncan gestured to the gun laying on the ground next to Scott. He swiped it away and it scattered against the floor

"Getting my revenge, because I guess I learned from you," Scott said. "If you're allowed to break the rules then shouldn't I be too?"

"I didn't kill you!" Duncan pointed out

"You did," Scott replied, "On the inside, because Lightning was all I had."

Courtney gasped. This was too much for her to take in. She wanted to step in and stop them from fighting but yet she didn't want to interfere. She was learning so much from this and no way that she was going to get herself hurt over something she didn't fully understand

Duncan didn't reply so Scott continued. "You have nothing Duncan, you're old and tired. I can just tell from the way you struggle granting wishes and transforming. Squirming around on the floor makes it painfully obvious."

"I like what I do!" Duncan claimed, Courtney knew he was lying. "This isn't going to be the end of me."

"But what do you have?" Scott questioned. "I had everything I wanted and more until you came along and ruined it."

"I have Courtney," Duncan said rather quietly. Causing Scott to freeze and turn around to face Courtney, who was standing there in sudden panic. She began to ponder why it was taking so long for the police to get there

"Courtney..." Scott growled, licking his lips.

She backed up against the wall, whimpering a little when she hit it. Upon seeing Scott's threat as he grew closer, Duncan got up and threw himself at Scott. But Scott had quick reflexes, as he met Duncan's face with his hand and threw him back onto the ground.

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