Chapter 10

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Scott ran up to them, passing Courtney and shoving Duncan to the ground. Duncan was also in a state of shock and fell, his head smacking against the sidewalk with a thud.

"Scott!" Courtney yelled.

Scott ignored her as Duncan weakly picked his head up, looking at Scott. Fear was now replacing the shine in his eyes.

"I should have guessed, Duncan breaking the rules again," Scott taunted, walking in a circle around Duncan. "Who would have known?"

Duncan slowly pushed himself to his feet only to be pushed over again. This time he had a softer landing in the snow covered bushes lining the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry." was all Duncan could say.

Scott laughed. He looked past Courtney to Lightning, who was standing behind her. "Look how weak he is!" Scott yelled. "Going around and kissing my girlfriend. This should be the end of you, Duncan."

"You don't love her." Duncan said. He stood up again, now appearing prepared for Scott to push him again. But Scott was just continuing to walk in circles around him.

"Yes he does," Courtney said quietly. "He loves me."

"Only because you made Duncan do it," Scott pointed out. "So desperate for love, aren't you Courtney."

"From you."

"I know," Scott said. "But then you go and kiss Duncan? That seems like a waste of a wish."

"I wasn't expecting him to kiss me!" Courtney protested.

Duncan stepped forwards and Scott turned to him. "You aren't allowed to love humans." Duncan said matter-of-factly. Then Duncan looked at Courtney. "He doesn't love you, Court."

"I don't love her. I love Lightning." Scott said. "And don't say Court. That's my nickname for her."

Scott then turned to Courtney again. He gently grabbed her chin with his hand, lifting her head up. "I'm not allowed to love you, Courtney. For once in his life, Duncan was right."

"I've been telling her that." Duncan said.

"I don't care!" Courtney cried. "I just want to love you! I love you, Scott!"

"Listen to me Courtney," Scott said gently. "Thank you for bringing me back to life. But it was a seriously stupid move of you."

"I'm so sorry for loving you." Courtney said sarcastically.

"It was a stupid move. You shouldn't love me. I can't love you. I don't love you. Give it up."

"I didn't know you were a genie before. You never told me that. And you cheated on me." Courtney explained, feeling her face heating up despite the cold. She felt embarrassed.

"I know I never told you. I never told you I was a genie. I never told you I was gay. And I cheated on you. For months." Scott said, nodding his head with every sentence. His eyes were wide. "Yet you still love me?"

There was a silence before Courtney responded. "Yes."

Scott suddenly striked her across the face, causing her to stumble and fall on her butt on the frozen ground. "Dumb bitch!" He yelled.

"What the hell?" Duncan yelled, throwing himself at Scott. Scott easily threw Duncan off, but this time Duncan didn't fall over. He quickly spun back around and threw a punch at Scott.

Scott clearly had the upper hand, easily avoiding the punch. Lightning, the bigger man of everyone, stepped in and shoved Duncan for a fourth time. This time Duncan did fall over, slamming his head against the ground again. This time he didn't move.

"Even though I don't love Courtney, that doesn't give you a right to go around and kiss her." Scott spat at his motionless body. "Typical Duncan, always breaking the rules. Cant wait to see you fade away and put yourself out of your misery."

So that answers Courtney's question. Duncan would just fade away.

Scott looked down at Courtney with the same animalistic look he had given her at the coffee shop. "If you couldn't have already guessed, we're done," Scott hissed at her. "Stay away from me."

Then he turned around and froze. Courtney whipped her head around to see Gwen and Sierra standing there. Sierra was on the phone, talking in a panic and Gwen was standing there with a pocket knife in her hand.

"Get away from them!" Gwen yelled. She held up the knife.

Scott and Lightning looked at each other before walking away in the opposite direction, not seeming to have a care in the world. They stepped over Duncan's still unmoving body.

Sierra and Gwen ran over. "Are you okay?" Gwen said frantically, helping Courtney her feet. "Sierra is on the phone with the cops."

Courtney sighed. "I guessed that." Then she remembered once again that Duncan was just laying on the ground.

She hurried over and crouched down next to him. His eyes were closed, but he was still breathing. Gwen knelt down next to Courtney, looking extremely concerned and confused.

"Duncan?" Courtney said. "Duncan?" the second time louder.

Duncan's blue eyes slowly opened and he turned to look at Courtney.

"Are you okay?" Courtney asked.

"Yes." Duncan said quietly.

"Courtney, what the hell is going on." Gwen demanded loudly. "You better tell me. You definitely are not okay like you told me in the library."

Courtney sighed, still looking at Duncan. His eyes were closed again. "Guess I just got mixed up in some bad apples." Courtney admitted. Then she gently touched Duncan's cold cheek. "Not this one though."

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