Chapter 6

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"You're kidding me, right?" Duncan said flatly. "After everything he's done to you?"

"He treated me like a princess," Courtney sighed "And I really believed it."

Duncan crossed his arms. "But he didn't mean it, you have to move on."

Courtney's face twisted. She knew he was right, but there was that feeling deep in her heart that still had something for Scott even if he was dead. She was still going through the stages of heartbreak, and she was sure she was going through the stage where she would do anything to have him back. To have Scott back in her arms again, for her to feel loved. But this time, she wanted it to be real. Like it was meant to be.

"Duncan..." Courtney quietly piped from on the ground. Meanwhile, sirens began blaring from beyond.

"Damn, those cops are slow." Duncan grunted. He motioned for Courtney to get to her feet and with a pout, she obeyed. "Let's just get out of here."

Courtney watched with a blank expression as Duncan transformed. While he was doing so she grabbed their coffees off the table and with a shriek he collapsed to the floor in a ball. Meanwhile, the worker behind the counter that was still conscious yelled in fright as well, catching Courtney's attention.

"Did you see all of that?" Courtney asked, putting her hands on her hips. She squinted to see the name tag of the worker. It read Dakota

"Yeah, I d-did." Dakota stammered. The other employee was lazily getting to their feet, leaning against the counter and wiping a streak of sweat off of their forehead. Their tag read Dawn

"Well, you better not say anything about it." came a growl. Courtney turned to see Duncan getting to his feet and dusting himself off.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed. We just panicked," Dakota explained. "I used to have a genie of my own. His name was Topher. He made me super rich! But daddy says I still need to have a job, so I work here and it's-"

"Yeah yeah, we get it," Duncan rolled his eyes, "Please just don't reveal us. Courtney, we have to go!" He grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door. She gasped a little bit at his touch. It was the first time she actually felt him since he always floated through her as a genie.

Back at the dorm, Courtney fell into her bed face first. Sobbing uncontrollably. Duncan just watched her, feeling uncomfortable. He wanted to make her feel better but wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know how to deal with humans, he was just used to them bossing him around. He was never really exposed to any other emotion. Duncan always made people happy. But Courtney was showing the opposite. He felt like it was all his fault

Duncan sat down on the bed next to her and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. After only a moment she moved away, an annoyed expression on her face. She sniffed, "Stop doing that."

"I'm sorry Courtney." Duncan mumbled, taking his hand back. He placed it on his thigh. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"I don't know," Courtney flipped on her back and stared at the ceiling. "Keep more secrets from me? Refuse to tell me that more people in my life are secretly genies?"

Duncan sighed and turned to face her. "Courtney, you know that I never meant for any of this to happen."

Courtney rolled her eyes and blew a sarcastic raspberry. "Yeah right, you knew all along that he was a genie. You tried to play it cool when Scott first showed up in the coffee shop."

"But Courtney-"

"And then you killed the love of my life right in front of me! Like it didn't even matter!" Courtney was shouting now. The tears were really streaming down her face. Duncan mentally slapped himself, he should have just stayed quiet

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