Chapter 7

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Duncan walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, kicking around loose stones. It was a cold, windy morning in town, and buds that were attempting to blossom on the trees around him were flying around in the breeze and covering the grass and mulch beds.

He was trying to avoid Courtney because he knew that she was happy with Scott and didn't seem to want him there with her. But he had to go back at some point to grant Courtney's last wish, or else she would wonder where he was, and if she never asked for her final wish, Duncan would never be able to get away from her.

Why didn't he truly want to get away?

Duncan didn't really know the answer to that question. It was like something in his heart was pulling him towards her, although he had only known her for a very short time. And, it turns out, just as Duncan had believed that Courtney was different and not just a person who was going to use him for his power and then toss him back into the bottom drawer, she did just that. Duncan knew it was impossible and forbidden, but he knew why he felt that way.

Why did it pain him to put her back with Scott?

Well, first of all, Duncan had known Scott for thousands of years, yet never liked him even for a day. Alongside that, Scott turned out to be gay. He cheated on Courtney. And, he was a genie. Genies were forbidden to date humans. That's why when they discovered who Scott was cheating on Courtney with, it turned out to be another male genie, because that made more sense for how selective Scott had to be.

Duncan didn't understand why Courtney would want to be back together with someone who had cheated on her. But, she also did not know the rules that genies had to follow since when Duncan showed up, that was her first encounter with one.

He kicked another stone far into the grass and then felt a sharp pain in his chest. Turning around, Duncan's cyan blue eyes gazed towards Courtney's dorm building. He had just been walking around outside of the building in the park. He knew he had to get back. The longer time he spent away from her, and the longer that the third wish was not granted, the more power that he would lose. He was already extremely weak... he couldn't even grant wishes without feeling pain everywhere in his body.

Shaking his head, and gazing towards the ground, Duncan began to walk back in the direction of the building.

When he got inside he passed a laughing couple that nearly ran into him if he hadn't moved to the side. He gazed after them, frowning, and watched as they exited the doors.

When he turned back around he was faced with Courtney, who was standing inside the elevator staring at him. She was frozen but didn't seem bothered to see Duncan.

She stepped out of the elevator and walked up to Duncan. "Hey there, ready to give me my last wish?"

Duncan felt angry in this moment. She didn't just want her to ignore everything that just happened. He was surprised that she didn't mention it or what he had done to Scott. She had been so mad about it yesterday.

"Um, you aren't mad at me?" Duncan said to her.

She shrugged. "No, I got what I wanted. I have Scott back."

Duncan sighed and shook his head. "Scott is a genie. You can't have him forever."

"What do you mean?"

"It's against the rules for genies to be in relationships with humans, remember?"

Courtney blew a raspberry. "I don't think Scott is the kind to break rules, unlike you."

Duncan tried to ignore her comment. "I've known Scott for thousands of years. I promise you that I know him better than you think you do."

"Well then why isn't Scott all weak like you are?"

"Well maybe I've broken... more rules."

She laughed and looked my body over. "I'm not surprised."

Duncan furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms. "What's that supposed to mean." he said flatly.

"The amount of times you've just shrieked and fell onto the ground in pain is more than I can count now. I've never seen Scott do that." she quickly glanced at his hair and Duncan knew that she was judging him. "You just look like a troublemaker too. All those stupid piercings and the green hair. What is wrong with you?"

"Sure, I do break more rules, but that doesn't mean you have to ridicule me. My life has nothing to do with you. I don't get on your ass about how uptight you are and have been to me."

She gasped. "I have wanted nothing but to get to know you. You're supposed to grant my wishes and do what I tell you to. It's not my fault I wanted Scott back. I love him."

"He. Is. A. Genie." Duncan said each word loudly. Then he looked around cautiously to make sure no one else was there to hear. He and Courtney were alone.

"So?" Courtney leaned towards him.

"Genies aren't allowed to date humans!"

"I think Scott will survive." Courtney let out a huff of air.

"Wow." Duncan stated. "You're selfish."

"Excuse me?" Now Courtney was also crossing her arms.

"You're more worried about yourself than you are Scott's health."

She laughed again. "No. I think you should be less worried. Worry about yourself more."

Duncan groaned internally. This is not how he wanted this to go.

"I'm just telling you, Scott's probably just going to move away from you again. First of all, he is a genie-"

"I get it."

"...Secondly, he's also gay and his boyfriend lives like, right down the hall."

"Can't you just wish for him to be not gay?"

"Selfish," Duncan coughed.

"Speak for yourself, sea monster." Courtney barged past him and Duncan stumbled to the side.

Sea monster?

"Maybe I shouldn't have been so interested in you."

"What do you mean?" Duncan asked, somewhat frantically. But Courtney ignored him and walked out the door, her hips swaying side to side.

Duncan just stood there and watched her go. Right when he thought she may have been different, everything fell apart.

Why couldn't he be normal?

It was his decision at the start to break all the rules. He is the one who caused his weakness.

But why did he make that decision?

Why should Duncan care when no one else ever did?


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