Prologue: Traitor of Two

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(Narration / The 6th Day)

"[Don't 'Lilith' me! I DO NOT WANT TO SUBMIT TO YOU,]" Lilith snapped at her husband Adam. The two had been arguing for at least 30 minutes ever since they had been formed of clay and their lives had been exhaled from the Lord's mouth, Adam claiming that God said He created her to serve him and be his comforter. And Lilith disagreed with a fiery passion..

"[Lord, why won't she agree,]" pleaded Adam. The Lord then asked Lilith why she would not submit to her husband. He said that He made her to keep him company and to serve her husband, and how she took those words sparked the ire in her tongue.

"[Because I don't want to be any lesser than him! I want to be treated the same as him, and You, YHWH, created me to be under HIS HEEL?! TO HELL WITH YOU BOTH,]" Lilith burst, a pair of dusky brown wings sprouting from the back of her wrathful body for her to leave the Garden of Eden. Adam hung his head heartbroken, that the woman God made for him had refused and left him.

As Lilith took off to the mortal realm, three angels followed via the Lord's command, meeting the woman whom was now perched on a rock above the Red Sea. They gave her a second chance to return on behalf of His mercy, but Lilith refused.

"[You foolish flock think I'll be coming back to THAT HORRID PLACE?! I have stood up to your God and denied Him, and so too, shall I deny you whom He sent.]"

"[One last chance, Lilith.. Surrender or we will slaughter the fruits that you will bear from your womb,]" one of the angels threated, praying that she wouldn't be as foolish as the Morning Star. The fallen woman glared at him with scarlet eyes, talons rooting from her fingertips.

"[Punish me how you wish,]" Lilith growled. "[Tell your 'God' that I will one day return, and my welcome shall not be warm.]"

The angel flew back to the heavens with disappointment, leaving Lilith in isolation. She took some time to herself to reflect, to plan, and thought that if she stole enough semen from millions of men, she could build up an army. A rebellion!

And that's what she held in mind, until...

"[So, He's kicked you out too?]" Turning to the beautiful voice, Lilith saw a man who stood close to the water, with wings blacker than the night sky. The entity was questionable, but he spoke again. "[I too, want justice for something so petty. We are alike, you and I. Here, I foresee this helping you out.]"

"[Hold.. Before you offer what you wish, speak thy name,]" Lilith requested, to which the entity replied...

"[Lucifer, the once guiding light of Heaven. Now, for what I am to offer you, my dear..]" And with that, a circle of fire burned a unique sigil onto Lilith's right bicep. "[You have been marked as my aid. You will help me, and in trade, I will help you.]"

Lilith blinked at Lucifer, wondering HOW she was to help him, or worse, if this was to get her to submit like with God...

"[How do I know that you won't have me submit like Him?]"

"[Because I plan to give you what He will not. I will make you my equal. All you have to do is earn your place. I say to you, the beginning will be a low one, but as you earn my favor in time, you shall be greatly rewarded, mayhaps even seated alongside my brothers as one of us, the Fallen,]" Lucifer explained. "[Your power shall be great in Hell and people will make statues to praise you as an equalizer. And when the day comes, we will storm their divine gates and conquer. That is my promise if you offer me your hand.]"

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