Chapter V: The Hunt Begins..

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Despite his failure in physical strength, he managed to overcome my might and pummel me. Does he plan to slaughter all whosoever oppose him? Did Azazel set me up? ...I will see to this truth myself through the boy's eyes. I just needed him to take in my spirit, and so too did I plead. His response was to hear me out. Knowing his tongue, I can bargain all the more."[Your father wants ye dead, Prīus. Ever since thy awakening, he has plotted your death..]"

"[My death?]"

"[Aye.. Absorb me into you through my death, so that I may show you what he wanted from me.]" Prīus took pause and pondered the idea, resting himself on the handle of Narkarmos....

"[...I only wish to see this truth you behold.. Assume this not as an act of pity.]" He stated before puncturing my skull, my body then becoming a higher state, a spectre, and flowing into the child's body. A fresh mark rested upon his back, under his right shoulder. A traitor to this kingdom.. But the physical was not all that I could see. Such suffering hither to his adolescence. Is it the sigil which hushes this bloody lion? I then unveiled to Prīus what occurred during his sleep, and what led me to hunt down and seek his death. Once over, he seemed shocked.

"[Do you understand now, Nazaeroth? He saw error within you and could not wash it out, and in waiting, he spoke to Lucifer about the whorring holiness that lays within thy heart. Azazel then asked me to put you down, while Lucifer ordered a Shetaimură to take you to him upon waking, while you were still weak. Alas for them, they did not expect you to be so defiant. His seal has failed, and so too, has his assassin.]"

"[And you chose to accept this deal of assassination?]"

"[All I've done was strike a deal. Alas, I must make another if I'm to live again: put your father to an end, and I shall forever grant you my power.]"

"[...So he wished to kill me ..because I was a failure?]" The boy asked, Anger crawling up his veins, to which I added on.

"[In order to begin again, thou must die, both here, and in the Tenebrae.]" His agreement to accept my power intrigued me, filled me with glee as I let my power flow through. I did not expect him to accept me..


The god was now a part of me, and their staff that phased into my sword gave the hilt's end a goat head. A pair of hands reached up to the forehead, pulled a bit of flesh apart, and grew something inside. I could see through it eye? "[My power, Prīus, shall be manifested within this Eye. Eradicate whom you see fit to reach him.]"

"[So much dark energy. And thou're certain I can wield it?]"

"[Tis you who slayed the almighty Baphomet. I deem thee worthy. Let it be known that this Eye can tap into more than just MY powers: your silent core, your Sinful Wrath, it even steals Abyss from another lord.]" Baphomet clarified."[My strength is as infinite as you ought to be.]"

"[T'would explain why thou's proclaimed almighty, even if it'd make an usurper out of us. But that doesn't matter now.]" I said as the Eye granted access to much of Baphomet's kit. Before I could make use of their power, a purple flash covered my legs and chest prior to its fading.. Black, plates on the thighs, knees, shins, and a breastplate.. Is this armor? "[Thou gives't armor now?]"

"[Only to cover thyself, Se'irim. A bare man or woman roaming Hell can stir up Lust. What I did was a necessity, especially with your kind of Sin. Armor is an idle defense ye no longer lack.]" Baphomet replied. Bringing my attention back to the Eye, I opened my palm with its aura swirling, manifesting the same destructive orb meant to destroy me. Firing it at the pyramid, the top burst open with a jetting pink pillar, and I flew out of the breach I made.. On my way out, a multitude demons sought to approach me, few of which I had to cut and kick off my body.. The assault stopped once a small group hovered before my path.

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