Chapter III: Orders and Failsafes

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"[The second bath has been set up, just as you've requested, Lord Lucifer,]" Carysa said to Lucifer.

"[Excellent. And what of my newborn?]"

"[Already birthed and bathing in the sun. The mother actually brought up his name, which she told me you two had a scuffle over: she referred to him as Zarkān-]"

"[Oh goddammit..]" Carysa continued her story, in spite of the Emperor's annoyance with his concubine's decision.

"[-and I must admit, it sounds as vile as you are~ I don't see why you despise her deci-]"

"[Here I thought you both knew your place in Hell. The only one I thought would be troubling was that wretched Lilith, but no. My wife too, has to join that goddamned party! I told her NOT to name him that!]"

"[She does not have to listen to you, nor does any other woma-]" Carysa's neck was immediately squeezed by Lucifer's Wrath, using only two fingers and a thumb to control the red flame from his throne and singe the flesh it wrapped around..

"[Know where you lie, Priestess. A rutty worm such as you isn't fit to talk to your god like that. Less than a handful of you have more than just ONE use down here, so be gracious you aren't cattle like the rest.. I'd rather see Lilith speak about her independence, much to my loathe. At least she wasn't born with a twat, but now she preaches her own philosophy; even dead lambs speak more wisdom than you troublesome lot . Alas, I had to replace the perfidious Owl with a more suitable servant.]" Lucifer then ceased his grip upon the priestess, pointing at the demoness perched high upon a gargoyle near his throne. At the loud booming of his fingers' snap, he summoned her down before the Lustful Priestess. "[Of the many I've tried, culture after culture, this one fit my criteria: loyal, knows when to speak, doesn't cry or moan when injured or spoken down to, fierce but quiet.. Ire is the first of my female servants to be a prime example. THIS is empowerment, not any of that 'equality' nonsense from that feathered wench. To rise to a position of strength, one must first submit to a master and serve before being exalted to greater heights. Her strength is why she's my most trusted guardian and vanguard to my smaller armies. To make a good guardian, I made sure she went through the worst of my preparations into becoming a Shetaimură.. And then realized her truest potential once I saw her Wrath. Here, Priestess, an example..]"

Two Shetaimură arose from their kneeling on cue and leapt at Ire with their halberds. Unsheathing her weapon, Ire blocked both blades, slipped herself between the poles, and kicked one's head whilst chopping off the other. Hovering with her wings, she came down and slammed her blade into the back of the demon's knee, extracting it prior to giving him the same "head's up". Huffing once, Ire sheathed back her odachi and walked past Carysa, abhorring eyes beaming into the Priestess' before Lucifer shot a beam into the vanguard's shoulder. Barely phased, she breathed in and out, fire patching her up.

"[Now, what the REST of you feminine vermin fail to understand is that I made this system of obedience, and in order to keep it, I must draw out the best out of the best. My word should never be questioned, but heeded. And speaking of heeding my word, you are to guard Prīus, ensure his ritual isn't disturbed. Once he's awoken, bring him to me, and your task is finished.]"

"[I see. But if I may ask, is it only 'us' who does this,]" Carysa asked the Emperor.

"Did your prior ignorance give you any right to ask questions? ..Truly makes me ask why He bothered creating you lot other than to be bred and to nurture men. Make haste and tend to that child. The both of you are dismissed to your works.]"

(Meanwhile with Azazel)

"[That wretch thinks her experiments can do MY child better than what I've planned? ..You can keep your Bloodbath. I shall continue my work and grant him my own empowerment,]" the Scapegoat thought to himself, standing over the tub and casting black magic, his sigil intertwined with the Leviathan's. "[You are MY creation, not theirs..]"

The Scapegoat then left and flew up to his abode, where he prepared the rest of his own ritual and mentally focused on Prīus, putting him through what he saw could be the worst of his custom trial. For 9 years, he subjected his son to torment: battered on a wheel with metal, drawn and quartered before reassembly, lashing his skin with wires till he saw bone, Azazel put his newborn through the worst. Even engulfing Prīus in "forbidden flames". As this went on, he implanted visions on how to utilize his dark arts and a few tactics. What Azazel WANTED was for Prīus to be unstoppable and merciless, a machine of war unfazed by pain, but that sliver of humanity left by that wench would foil this intent, even though he tried to eliminate that as well. He cursed to himself, angered by the angel's attempts to "forever stay with her son". He considered assassination, starting over with the corpse. But then again, he just may fold to their methods in time.

"[I can't take my chances with this wretch disrupting my practices... Tis time to prepare you,]" he thought once more, departing from the realm of Wrath to the realm of Heresy in search for the deity of black magic, Baphomet.

"Who dares enter my temple with no annunciation?" 

"[The hermaphrodite questions its superior's entry to their temple? Perhaps your knowledge was sacrificed for that vain body after all,]" Azazel gibed at the deity, earning a chuckle.

"[Ahh, your TONGUE couldn't be any more of a nuisance than your presence. What service do you beseech out of me, Scapegoat of Sinners?]"

"[My newborn, Prīus Nazaeroth. I want you to put him down when he wakes.]" The deity starred in humor, laughing at the Commander. In spite of Baphomet's casual seriousness, they saw this request as a joke.

"[You, a Commander of Se'irim- nay! A warmonger, would dare to ask another god for your fillicide? What am I to you?]"

"[Had I answered 'a mercenary', I would be giving you lesser credit. He is to awake within 108 moons, and should my seal fail to subdue that wretch's spirit, I request that you kill him. This is my reward, should you succeed: the cretin's corpse along with my arts with which you've longed to study.]" The god was briefly silent, but eventually put their book down.

"[He is dead upon your calling.]"

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