2. Anxiety

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I've suffered with anxiety as long as I remember
   But now...
It's worse
It makes me feel weak and like there's something in my chest that I don't know what it is
   My hands shake so much and I don't know what to do.
  Well, I don't know what to do now that he's in my house
Bakugo In my house ?
    Why... ?
   We don't even talk, but I guess we'll have to now.  
   I struggle to talk to my dad and he speaks first

  ~ hey y/n ! How you been? Here I brought you your favorite pack of gum and a iced coffee pack.

    ~ hey, dad I'm great ! School is good too.

     -    that's good vix, and I better not notice you're lying about how you're feeling , I might have to help you with a therapist; again.
( there he goes with that nickname Vix, again. I'm not going to lie I like it, but it reminds me of past memories I don't want to relive).
-you're probably wondering why he's here right ?
    ~ uhh... yes

- well Bakugo is here because he is going to help you train and help with anxiety.He will be able to stay here with you today and you guys can hangout or whatever you guys want. I know you guys were friends in your childhood. With your friends Izuku and Jirou right ?
    ( so I'm supposed to hang out with someone who I think is a stalker? How can I escape this now ?)
My hands started shaking and I shook my head and saw Bakugo staring at me with them menacing red eyes.

Red eyes... yeah it has to be him... the stalker

  I never liked him because Deku has told me what he did in middle school and how he told him to take a swam dive off the roof.
    You know what? That seems like a good plan right now.

~ "thanks dad, I'll bring him to my room to set up his stuff and I'll eat after. And yeah me, Izuku and Jirou  are friends still. "
    With that I run off to my room with my dad and Bakugo looking at me.
Now why do I have to deal with them two?
Bakugo started talking to me;
   - "hey! Look at me ! Why do you run off? Can't you say hi to your childhood friend ? "
     He said that with a smirk.
    ~ "hi bitch, what you missed me? "

   - "look", he said. "I've been wanting to talk to you for a few months now but I didn't because I know you dislike me. But I want to make things better between us; I want to be your friendAlso, I love you... " He whispered
He said that in a very blunt and monotonous way. But with his angry face and and a hand coming closer to mine.
  He's scary and kind of funny with the "happy face" he puts up with
  ~ " you what now?" I whispered yelled at him because my dad was in his room close to mine.
- I said I want  to be your friend, Vix."
   Oh my friend he said. What a liar. I wanted to punch him. He annoyed me so much to the point that I would turn off my music just to hear him yell out in pain.  
~ oh ok. We'll be friends I guess. So what would you like to do first ? "

- " I'll show you what's in my book bag and some photos in my phone, would you like to see?"
  Now my hands are shaking again and my heart is beating fast. This is so random than the time Deku actually baked me a cake with 'bunny' figures.

     Sure I said. What he showed me, made me panic and for sure my eyes were more open than anything.
He leaned closer to me, I was going to say "I -"
    As soon as I was about to say something my mom got home.

-  Y/n! Come here I got you something!
I ran out of my room and Bakugo came out of my room a minute later.
  ~Hey ma, I said excited to see what she got. How was work ?"
  - "work was good but tiring. Here I got you another pair of headphones and and plums too. I know you love them. "
   ~ "thank you so much ma" I said happily.

    I'm not much of a hugger, but this time I gave my mom a hug because I love her so, and she cares about me.
  - "no problem you earned it. I'm going to order out pizza because I'm extremely tired and hungry " she said while yawning. 
     ~ Thanks ma, Bakugo, my childhood friend was just leaving so I'll walk him out to the corner of his street! ".
I walked out before she even responded because I started panicking.
While I was walking with Bakugo next to me, he looked at me every 5 seconds and I heard him mumbled some words. I probably wasn't supposed to hear them but with my quirk I can almost hear what he's thinking.

" what was that ? Do you got something to say with your stalker behavior ? And why the fuck would you do this ?!" I yelled at him
    - " Vix, I told you I love you and you're going to be mine. You never were supposed to date nerdy Deku. Not be best friends with Jirou. Only ME. I'm the one for you. He laughed . I'm not going to let you go. You'll live with me and show me love too. Because... I know how to get you to listen to me ."  he said like a total insane maniac.
     ~ "and why would you think I'll listen to you ? "
Freaking maniac with a superiority complex and anger issues. Who does he think he is.
" - ONE : because I have a photos of you . I can share it.
TWO : I love you.
THREE: you belong to me and I have blackmail. "
~" what fucking blackmail may you have on me you psycho ?" I responded.
- "oh I know you be cheating on tests and also you killed your friend. When you were 10. "
He just said that so casually.

Now hold on... how did he know that? I never told no one. Plus that was an accident they caused me to do.

~ " so what do you want me to do you psycho ?!"

    - " be with me. I'll treat you good. I'll give you what you want. Plus ", he whispered in my ear, " I can give you more than Deku can and I'll kill him if you don't comply". He said with a  little menacing smile .
I ran. I ran way from him. Right now I feel weak but it's the best I can do. I can sense that talking away from this is impossible. Even if I do comply, he won't leave the others alone. He'll just go after Deku.

- " you're not going to escape, I know everything about you  y/n. You'll be mine if you want it or not" he said while walking away laughing.

   I fucking heard that. My quirk helped me hear that. And now I'm running home crying because I'm scared and shocked.
   What a day I'll have tomorrow...

Hey guys!
Thank you for reading and I hope it's not boring. Please vote so I don't think you don't like my story.
Bye <3
   Im currently watching parasyte on Netflix :)

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