7. Opportunities

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One single notification ruined the perfect moment.

"Oh uh," Kuroo mumbled quietly, hearing kenma's phone buzz a bit more. "I should check it might be important." He said awkwardly, breaking lose from kuroo's grip. Checking his phone, his face changed emotions from flustered to worried.

"What is it?"
"I gotta go. I'll see you later, okay?" He whispered, flashing a quick smile before rushing outside.
Kuroo was then left alone at the party, while others around him continuously slow danced.

"Well, that sucks." He said through his teeth.

"What now?"

He mumbled to himself, before sitting on the sidelines. He quickly grew more and more uncomfortable, before leaving entirely.

Walking through the halls, he stumbled upon a vending machine. "Might as well," he said, beginning to add money. He was craving skittles.
Sitting next to the machine, he looked at the sky. The stars were scattered all across the sky, and the moonlight was shining upon the wet grass. It was soothing in a way, his eyes quickly starting to close.

"Aaaugh.." he groaned, waking up in a comfy bed. He rubbed his eyes, his surroundings getting more clearer.
"...is this akaashi's room?" He had known since he visited every now and then, but didn't expect to wake up there. He lifted himself up from the sheets, unexpectedly feeling someone's chest under his hand. "What the-!" He turned to his side to find Akaashi, asleep right next to him. "You we're in the bed too? Gosh you scared me." He said to himself, faintly so he didn't wake him up. Surprisingly, he was a pretty sleeper.

He got out of the bed, looking at the clock next to akaashi's closet. "9:23..." he said, about to leave the room once he realized. "Wait, 9:23?" It had set in, they were almost 30 minutes late for their classes. "Oh crap!" He ran over to akaashi's side, tapping his shoulder violently. "Cmon, hurry.." Akaashi's eyes opened. "what is it?" He asked, it was clear he wasn't much of a morning person. "We're late for class!" "What time is it?" He sat up. "9:25 now, but it was 9:23 before."

Akaashi slumped out of bed, falling onto kuroo's shoulder. "Are you out of energy or what? We gotta go!" He lifted himself up, slouching to the bathroom while kuroo followed. "Hey so, how did I even end up here?" He questioned, akaashi already brushing his teeth. "Bigger question, why were you asleep next to a vending machine?" He asked, spitting into the sink and putting his stuff away. "It's kinda a long story, I'd rather not talk about it- wait up!" He yelled, akaashi already rummaging through his closet. "Well, I found you and brought you here. Hey, would this fit you??" He took a random shirt out and inspected it, before lining it up with kuroo's upper body.

It was a bit unexpected, causing a light pink to appear on his face. "Uh, I think so! And thanks for that then." He grinned, while taking the shirt and slipping it on. "It was no big deal, we're friends anyway aren't we?"

"Oh, yeah definitely..!" You could notice a bit of his smile fade away.

As they walked together in the hallways they talked, getting more and more comfortable. He felt it was easy to talk to akaashi about some things, while akaashi thought that talking to Kuroo helped relief stress. Plus he gave really good hugs.
"Wait we have the same class today, right?" He said, noticing their class was close by.
"Yeah, since we missed first period." He sighed, a slight yawn also coming with him.
"Well, let's hurry then!" Kuroo grabbed akaashi's hand, and they ran inside together.

"Take your seats, the next class is about to begin!" The teacher shouted at the kids. They had slipped in and took two seats in the back of the class. They took out their notes for school and the class began. However, questions lingered through akaashi's mind about some of the work.

"Hey Kuroo," he whispered, but kuroo's face showed he was deep in thought. I don't want to disturb him.

He turned back to the teacher, occasionally sneaking peeks at the boy. A small smile forming on his face, he scribbled something in his notebook.

Observation : His face is beautiful when he focuses.

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