thirty nine

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Jennie stood patiently. 

She stood outside the airport, tapping her foot patiently. She had dragged Jisoo along with her, because she didn't know what else to do. If what had been happening for the past few days was actually true, then Jennie would really be seeing The Park Chaeyoung in front of her in sometime.

And she couldn't wait.

Jisoo looked at her best friend's impatient figure, and tsked at her.

"Are you sure that they're really going to be here, Jennie?" Jisoo asked, and Jennie glared in her direction. 

"This is the fifth time you've said that, Jisoo. Can you stop saying stuff that makes me feel terrible? According to what Chaeyoung-ssi told me, their flight should've landed by now. If they're really going to come, then they should be out in ten minutes." Jennie clapped her hands in excitement, and Jisoo sighed.

Jenni wasn't the type to call someone 'Chaeyoung-ssi'. Heck, she never even called Jisoo with honorifics. But looking at her say Chaeyoung-ssi made Jisoo want to laugh.

Jennie was such a simp.

Her eyes went fixated on the gate from which people were walking out with their bags, and searched for anyone who looked like Chaeyoung. Now now, Jennie knew that Chaeyoung isn't dumb enough to show her face and gather a mob, so she's obviously wearing a mask. Something tells her that to try and blend in, Chaeyoung must've worn something black.

She narrowed down the people, and that's when Chaeyoung made her entry, along with Lisa.

Jennie was absolutely right; Chaeyoung was dressed in all black as if to blend with the crowd, but for some reason she stood out in Jennie's eyes. She watched them struggle with holding a  bag, and then saw Chaeyoung sweep her blonde hair back. Wow such pretty, and long hair.

Jennie looked at Jisoo, who was busying staring somewhere else and pointed at Chaeyoung. Jisoo looked in that direction, confused.

"What? That's Chaeyoung?" Jisoo asked slowly, and Jennie smacked her arm harshly.

"Yes, and keep your voice low. I don't want them to think that we're super loud." Jennie whispered back to Jisoo, who opened her mouth to say, "But we're literally always so loud-"

Jennie smacked her hand on Jisoo's mouth.

"That's enough for today, Jisoo. Don't talk, don't embarrass me. Just pretend that you're my driver or something." Jennie whispered hurriedly, and then brushed the dust off her pants. She had to look pretty; presentable atleast.

Jisoo rolled her eyes at Jennie, but nonetheless, went on to go and get the car for them to drive back to the resort.

Jennie can't believe this, she's going to meet her idol, Park Chaeyoung. The elder female cleared her throat once and then twice, before she made her way to the confused duo standing in a corner.

"Hey." Jennie whispered, and she saw Chaeyoung smile through under her mask. She swore she saw it.

"I'm Jennie." Jennie introduced and bowed, and Lisa did the same.

"Hey, I'm Lisa." She smiled. "Thanks for having us here at such a short notice."

Chaeyoung didn't say anything, she was busy staring at Jennie's face. When Lisa saw that, she shook Chaeyoung's arm harshly.

"Introduce yourself! Jeez, you're so mannerless." Lisa sighed and Chaeyoung finally spoke up.

"Hey Jennie, I'm Chae. Thank you." Chaeyoung whispered slowly, which was hard to understand due to the presence of Chaeyoung's mask. Jennie didn't complain at all. She just heard her voice in real life. It sounded so much better.

"I'll take you guys to the car?" Jennie asked, and they nodded, picking up their bags by themselves, and walking behind Jennie. Jennie walked in a fast manner, her heart picking up pace. 

Little did she know that she had the same effect on Chaeyoung who was walking right behind her.

Chaeyoung looked at Lisa, and Lisa leaned into Chaeyoung's ear. "She's so pretty." Lisa stated, and Chaeyoung nodded, agreeing with Lisa. Chaeyoung smiled, grateful for her mask.

Jennie guided them to the car where Jisoo was seated, and Chaeyoung rasied an eyebrow, and pulled up her mask as to hide her identity. She didn't want even one person knowing about her. It could cause so much drama,and that's what she's trying to run away from.

"Oh, Chaeyoung and Lisa are here?" Jisoo asked, while inserting the keys of the car, which made Chaeyoung gulp. How did this person recognise Chaeyoung? Will she go and call the media now?

"Yeah." Jennie replied, and Jisoo winked at her, causing her to turn pink. 

"She knows?" Chaeyoung asked slowly, the first time Jennie actually able to make out her voice. Her voice sounded so soothing. Had Chaeyoung ever tried to sing?

"Oh she?" Jennie asked, looking at Jisoo. "She's Jisoo, my driver-"

"Hi, I'm Jisoo, and I'm Jennie's best friend." She clarified, glaring at Jennie. "I'm most definitely not her driver. It's just that she was so nervous to meet you and hence,she dragged me along and-"

"That's enough." Jennie said in a loud voice and glared at Jisoo, signaling her to shut up a little.

This made Chaeyoung chuckle a bit. She laughed, and Jennie's face went wide. Thank lord she was facing Jisoo, or else Chaeyoung would've seen the look on Jennie's face. Oh lord, her laughs were so cute. 

Jisoo looked at Jennie and smirked and that's went she realised that she spaced out. In front of Park Chaeyoung. Great job, Jennie ruin your none existent reputation in front of Chaeyoung.

"Why were you nervous to meet me?" Chaeyoung asked, like it wasn't natural for a fan to be nervous while meeting their idol.

"Oh she thought that you scammed her-" Jisoo began, and this time Jennie didn't hesitate in slapping her hand on Jisoo's mouth.

"Chaeyoung thought that Jennie wouldn't appear either." Lisa clarified, which made Chaeyoung look in Lisa's direction The younger did a good job in ignoring the murderous gaze on her. "If that makes you feel any better."

"Can we just get going?" Jennie asked slowly, bitter at Jisoo.

"Yes please." Chaeyoung said, making Lisa laugh.

Chaeyoung held Jennie's hand in a reflex, and then left it immediately when Jennie gave her a confused look.

"I'm sorry." Chaeyoung bit her lip, but Jennie just smiled back warmly.

"It's okay."

They became awkward, and Jennie walked away, sitting next to Jisoo in the front seat, while Chaeyoung and Lisa sat at the back.

Chaeyoung sighed. Only if Jennie wouldn't treat Chaeyoung like an idol, they could be more free and causal with each other.


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